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Boston FD
Quote:It's either to replace Rescue 1's Pierce Quantum (which will then be sold to either Fall River or New Bedford, I can't remember which) or to replace H2 (Special Unit) which is the Lighting Plant & carries Speedy-Dry etc. That rig's ancient!
It's a 1992-I remember leaving EMT school in Dedham and taking in a fire in Eastie that was it's first job.  It doesn't see anywhere near the use that the other apparatus does, and for it's purpose, it's still in pretty good shape, ancient or not.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator



Messages In This Thread
Boston FD - by cml0774 - 01-31-2014, 04:24 PM
Boston FD - by SOlsonBFDL14 - 02-02-2014, 12:53 PM
Boston FD - by edburke - 02-02-2014, 05:05 PM
Boston FD - by cml0774 - 10-01-2014, 01:08 PM
Boston FD - by Guest - 10-04-2014, 10:13 PM
Boston FD - by anesti - 10-07-2014, 08:05 AM
Boston FD - by SOlsonBFDL14 - 10-07-2014, 02:38 PM
Boston FD - by cml0774 - 10-08-2014, 03:32 PM
Boston FD - by SOlsonBFDL14 - 02-01-2014, 09:58 PM
Boston FD - by anesti - 02-02-2014, 09:53 AM
Boston FD - by BFD190 - 02-08-2014, 09:49 AM
Boston FD - by SOlsonBFDL14 - 02-08-2014, 11:19 AM
Boston FD - by BFD190 - 02-08-2014, 05:41 PM

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