[quote name='npfd801' timestamp='1340324794' post='489503']
I think there's mixed reviews. They're running them on two different theories, "Rescue 1" is a jump company from Ladder 1. So if the Rescue is out on a run the Ladder sits. Kind of a big deal to me when there's only four aerials left in service. This has burned them at least once on a structure fire, but they knew this risk going in.
Rescue 2 is staffed with three all of the time. They run an enhanced "still" area for medicals, leaving the heavy stuff in house but still staffed. I think the guys on the Rescue like it because they're busy, and they also have the privilege of running an enhanced area as a manpower squad on working fire. Two young guys that were once on my department put in specifically for this duty to see more fire. Funny thing is, now the rigs that would normally cover the still areas that this rescue run still idle a lot more, so your essentially paying people to sit and wait only for fires, MVCs, etc.
The new administration at Rockford Fire is clearly of a different thought process than the prior, and is embracing working relationships with surrounding departments much more. Its very refreshing. I think they're doing the best with what they have and a mayor who clearly disdains firefighters.
Thanks for the background. When the new quint for Station 1 is placed in service, will the engine be placed out of service and the Rescue staffed similar to Station 2? Thanks again for the Rockford updates.
I think there's mixed reviews. They're running them on two different theories, "Rescue 1" is a jump company from Ladder 1. So if the Rescue is out on a run the Ladder sits. Kind of a big deal to me when there's only four aerials left in service. This has burned them at least once on a structure fire, but they knew this risk going in.
Rescue 2 is staffed with three all of the time. They run an enhanced "still" area for medicals, leaving the heavy stuff in house but still staffed. I think the guys on the Rescue like it because they're busy, and they also have the privilege of running an enhanced area as a manpower squad on working fire. Two young guys that were once on my department put in specifically for this duty to see more fire. Funny thing is, now the rigs that would normally cover the still areas that this rescue run still idle a lot more, so your essentially paying people to sit and wait only for fires, MVCs, etc.
The new administration at Rockford Fire is clearly of a different thought process than the prior, and is embracing working relationships with surrounding departments much more. Its very refreshing. I think they're doing the best with what they have and a mayor who clearly disdains firefighters.
Thanks for the background. When the new quint for Station 1 is placed in service, will the engine be placed out of service and the Rescue staffed similar to Station 2? Thanks again for the Rockford updates.