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Prescribed fire and initial attack fire Sacramento Refuge (CA) 2-25-14
Today my engine went to help out with a prescribed burn at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge (US Fish & Wildlife Service) near Willows, CA. The refuge is just east of the Mendocino NF and is dispatched by the forests ECC, so we frequently share resources.


As we wrapped things up, the local fire department requested mutual aid for a fire about 10 miles north of our burn. As we were already there and this new fire threatened to burn onto the refuge we were invited to come along as an additional refuge engine.



The burn was quite interesting to me being quite different from the forest burns I'm used to. For one thing we were burning stuff surrounded by water, so instead of walking, we rode in an air boat. The firing method was the same though, drip torch plus an occasional bit of prop wash from the boat to get in going when it was reluctant to burn.







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Aaron Woods


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Prescribed fire and initial attack fire Sacramento Refuge (CA) 2-25-14 - by Aaronw - 02-26-2014, 02:04 AM

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