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Boston Multiples 2013
I know you all have been waiting with baited breath so her is a list of the multiples attended by each company in Beantown in 2013.


This is of course not official, and I am not even sure the nmumbers match up, but this is just a hobby.


Any insights are welcome.


The list is the company, the number of multiples the were assigned to and the number they of multiples the were first due at.  This does not mean they got there first, just the running assignment.


the numbers do not include comapnies assigned as "fire detaills"



2   -2

3   -22 (1)

4   -8

5   -5

7   -9

8   -6 (1)

9  -4 (2)

10 -14 (1)

14 -20 (1)

16 -13 (1)

17 -20 (3)

18 -17 (3)

20  -9

21 -26 (3)

22 -21 (1)

24 -27 (2)

28 -12 (2)

29 -7   (1)

30 -6   (1)

32 -3

33 -13 (2) I think both were almost exactly 24 hours apart


39 -12 (1)

41 -4  (2)

42 -31 (2)

48 -8   (4)

49 -6

50 -11

51 -6 (1)

52 -24 (5)

53 -17

54---Fire Brigade

55 -7 (2)

56 -5 (1)




1 -8   (1)

2 -3   (2)

3 -14 (1)-Tower

4 -16 (5)

6 -16 (4)

7 -24 (4)

9- "wait till next year"

10-25 (2) Tower

11-6 (2)

14-7 (3)

15-16 (2)

16-23 (1)


18-8 (1)


21-5 (1)

23-26 (2)

24-6 (1)

25-7 (3)


28-6 (3)

29-19 (6)

34-1--extra comapny during blizzard


District  Chiefs

1  -5 (3)

3 -13

4 -29 (5)

6 -10 (2)

7 -35 (9)

8 -24 (7)

9 -33 (3)

11-9 (3)



Division 1 - 13   Division 2 -  29  


Rescues   1- 15   Rescue - 2 28 of which 27 were first due, they were assigned as a second Rescue to the Marathon bombing.


I know that in truth the numbers don't quite amtch up but it is very close.


It would appear the Ashmont/Mattapan area is the place for multiples with Hyde Park catching up, although there appears to be a pretty wide geographical spread of the fires.


I am a little suprised about L-16, but they sort of sit between the areas noted above, and the fact that making a lot of multiples does not necessarily mean they aree in the first due area












Messages In This Thread
Boston Multiples 2013 - by maxim - 01-04-2014, 12:01 PM
Boston Multiples 2013 - by JStrunk866 - 01-05-2014, 04:43 PM
Boston Multiples 2013 - by SOlsonBFDL14 - 01-05-2014, 07:21 PM
Boston Multiples 2013 - by BFD190 - 01-05-2014, 11:08 PM
Boston Multiples 2013 - by BFD190 - 01-05-2014, 11:10 PM
Boston Multiples 2013 - by maxim - 01-07-2014, 09:50 AM

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