Ok, kids in town to look at the CF. With a tape measure, camera and other things, were going to see how much it will cost. As posted, I cut 3 of the 4 compartments, but the typical Mack CF rust at the bottom of the wheel well, along with the inner wheel wells (and stretching into the jump seat area), and the mounts for the compartments have to be redone, will take time. That and the fact that red paint is $400/gallon, it may need about 8-10 gallons.. Once a price is worked out, next step is shipping it to Hagerstown. Will keep ya posted.
Stay safe, Brothers.
Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.
Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.