This 1980 ALF Century was owned by Lambertville's Union Fire Co #1. In 2001 it was sold off to make room in the station. It had "bounced" around on eBay a couple times. I saw it 3 weeks ago back for auction... I posted a link on Facebook since I have a few members of Company 1 on as friends. As luck would have it, The Company's Chief saw it and brought it to the membership at the company meeting... Action and phone calls were made to Jacksonville, FA to see what could be done. The auction ended without a winner. The company made an offer. The Owner is selling her BACK TO LAMBERTVILLE! 2 members will be going to check the rig out and driver her home in a few weeks.
Just one case of saving some old Iron and seeing it went home to its proper place!
Will try to take a few pictures when its back in Quarters!