[quote name='YeOldeEnjine' timestamp='1343944492' post='493961']
As of 2030hrs. August 1st. McCoole Fire & Rescue Department has placed themselves back in service.
Surplus EMS equipment along with Utility 23 (Former Ambulance 323) has been sold securing sufficient funds to reinstate the insurance for the next year.
Two potential buyers for the land and station have been identified and proceeding forward. Alternate station location arrangements have been made.
Leasing a smaller station and downsizing equipment and apparatus will put us in a financial situation that should allow us to operate within the limits of the funds as provided by ALLEGANY County. Additional Fund Raising will be the next step.
Other operational and organizational changes will be taking place in the near future.
T. Wilson, Asst. Chief
McCoole Fire & Rescue
That is good news, Tim. Are you just running ER23, the 99 Pierce? Anybody using the pre 1984 station?
As of 2030hrs. August 1st. McCoole Fire & Rescue Department has placed themselves back in service.
Surplus EMS equipment along with Utility 23 (Former Ambulance 323) has been sold securing sufficient funds to reinstate the insurance for the next year.
Two potential buyers for the land and station have been identified and proceeding forward. Alternate station location arrangements have been made.
Leasing a smaller station and downsizing equipment and apparatus will put us in a financial situation that should allow us to operate within the limits of the funds as provided by ALLEGANY County. Additional Fund Raising will be the next step.
Other operational and organizational changes will be taking place in the near future.
T. Wilson, Asst. Chief
McCoole Fire & Rescue
That is good news, Tim. Are you just running ER23, the 99 Pierce? Anybody using the pre 1984 station?