[quote name='Photoguy Kurt 07' timestamp='1346109432' post='496605']
Engine Co. 6 with a 1987 Spartan/FMC backing into the house at Oldtown in the mid 1990's.
First of all nice shots. Secondly I have a couple questions . Was the old town station a large combination station like steadman and do you have any interior shots of the old houses in balto?. I love the old traditional stations and love seeing the insides of them. If you don't have any could you point me in a direction to look. Thanks in advance.
Engine Co. 6 with a 1987 Spartan/FMC backing into the house at Oldtown in the mid 1990's.
First of all nice shots. Secondly I have a couple questions . Was the old town station a large combination station like steadman and do you have any interior shots of the old houses in balto?. I love the old traditional stations and love seeing the insides of them. If you don't have any could you point me in a direction to look. Thanks in advance.