Fort Ritchie was closed awhile back as part of a BRAC realignment - the shame of it was that the FD had just moved into a newly constructed fire station about a year or so before the post was shut down.
The new Fort Ritchie station was built in 1995, base closed in 1997, very little besides demo of derelict buildings has happened since.
Photo taken several years ago when it was used as a maintenance depot.
Ironically the Site R FD just several miles away has had its fleet/facilities enhanced, both for on and off base responses.
WW Jenkins photo
The new Fort Ritchie station was built in 1995, base closed in 1997, very little besides demo of derelict buildings has happened since.
Photo taken several years ago when it was used as a maintenance depot.
Ironically the Site R FD just several miles away has had its fleet/facilities enhanced, both for on and off base responses.
WW Jenkins photo