This rescue had a tragic beginning, but went on to have a long and useful career albeit changed from its original appearance.
Delivered in the summer of 1972 to the Cottage City-Colmar Manor,MD. VFD (OLD PGCO #2), the Seagrave PB/Pierce 250/100 had a 4-door cab, and an abundance of warning devices. However, the rig was responding on 11/23/1972 when it collided with a train at a crossing in Hyattsville,MD.The volunteer officer on board would die of severe injuries on 12/11/1972. The Seagrave cab was demolished, eventually a 1975 TCM (Cinncinnati) cab was grafted on to the Pierce body.
Very few photos exist of the rescue's original appearance, the most familar one in Walt McCall's 1975 book.
The rebuilt rig would serve as RS2 until replaced in 1993, it would then serve several more years as a PGFD spare.
Photo 1: RS2 in parade at Kensington, MD.; 10/1986
WW Jenkins photos
Delivered in the summer of 1972 to the Cottage City-Colmar Manor,MD. VFD (OLD PGCO #2), the Seagrave PB/Pierce 250/100 had a 4-door cab, and an abundance of warning devices. However, the rig was responding on 11/23/1972 when it collided with a train at a crossing in Hyattsville,MD.The volunteer officer on board would die of severe injuries on 12/11/1972. The Seagrave cab was demolished, eventually a 1975 TCM (Cinncinnati) cab was grafted on to the Pierce body.
Very few photos exist of the rescue's original appearance, the most familar one in Walt McCall's 1975 book.
The rebuilt rig would serve as RS2 until replaced in 1993, it would then serve several more years as a PGFD spare.
Photo 1: RS2 in parade at Kensington, MD.; 10/1986
WW Jenkins photos