I did the FAJ profile on Maui - one of the most beautiful places on earth. I was actually on my honeymoon, so I didn't push it too far to photograph apparatus all week. I got a nice mixture. Even with making prior arrangements, getting POSED shots was difficult. The crews were very friendly, but the whole "buff thing" and posing apparatus for photos is foreign to them. Plus, most stations had no room to work with. In their defense, their response times/distances are outrageous, so they need to eat/exercise/train/rest while they can and prefer not to jockey rigs around to where they can't get out quick. We did not make it to Molokai and Lanai...obviously, they are a pretty good boat or helicopter ride. It was interesting that, then, just one Battalion Chief covered all 3 islands. If a serious run for Hana, Molokai, and Lanai came in...he was heading to the airport for a 'copter ride.
Hana is an incredible location. Jungle-like rainfall in between periods of sun. Some of the most beautiful foliage and natural beauty I've even seen. In fact, when we arrived, photos were out of the question. By lunch, I had a ton of sun to play with. We can't wait to go back...when the kids are older.
Kent Parrish
Hana is an incredible location. Jungle-like rainfall in between periods of sun. Some of the most beautiful foliage and natural beauty I've even seen. In fact, when we arrived, photos were out of the question. By lunch, I had a ton of sun to play with. We can't wait to go back...when the kids are older.
Kent Parrish