<sub>Long time since I've done an update. When I left off I was working in the rear brakes. Once I got shoes and wheel cylinders installed I started on the lines. I stripped off the rear lines that were attached to the axle and since the brake backing plates and rear axle had surface rust I figured might as well wire brush everything on the axle and seal it with a 2 part rust inhibitive epoxy before putting the new lines on. So that is what I did. I then bent up new lines and installed those then filled the system with fluid and bled it.</sub>
<sub>Next is the fuel system. These old trucks had tanks mounted under the cab. Since the tank was seriously rusted and I wasn't comfortable sitting on top of a gas tank I will be modifying a mid-60's Mustang gas tank to mount behind the rear axle to the frame. So I've been working on removing all surface rust on the frame rails and underside of the bed in the area that will be blocked once the tank goes in so I can coat those areas with the epoxy. Sorry I didn't get any pics but I did mention earlier in this thread that I am horrible about that.</sub>
<sub>Next is the fuel system. These old trucks had tanks mounted under the cab. Since the tank was seriously rusted and I wasn't comfortable sitting on top of a gas tank I will be modifying a mid-60's Mustang gas tank to mount behind the rear axle to the frame. So I've been working on removing all surface rust on the frame rails and underside of the bed in the area that will be blocked once the tank goes in so I can coat those areas with the epoxy. Sorry I didn't get any pics but I did mention earlier in this thread that I am horrible about that.</sub>