The 2014 Southwestern New York Volunteer Firemen's Convention parade was being held in Bolivar. Engine 4 was photographed in the staging area. None of the other apparatus attending were parked conducive to photography, so I grabbed specs while waiting for the parade to start. I then picked a spot away from the crowds and with a decent background and waited. The marching units were staged down the street at the high school and the 15 or so apparatus would not head out until all the marching units had stepped off. From the apparatus staging area to the high school was about a quarter mile. This was the area where I had planned to photograph from. When the apparatus began to move, they did so at the highest possible speed, only having to slam on brakes when they caught up to the end of the marching units, but much too fast for me to get non-blurry shots as they passed me. Many of the drivers looked right at me as they went by, stepping on the accelerator. Idiots!
Frustrated, I moved on.....
Engine 1, West Valley, NY
2009 Spartan Furion/KME
Frustrated, I moved on.....
Engine 1, West Valley, NY
2009 Spartan Furion/KME