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Looking for an Old Friend...Ford/Eone Pumper
Quote:Tri-Community did/does run a pile of used rigs from all over the place, so that could be a possibility.  A lot of Tri-Community (TN) rigs are posted here: but I don't see a Ford C in there.
That's not the Tri-Com he was talking about.  There is a Tri-Com FD in Flat Rock, AL.  I looked through their FB page and didn't see anything resembling a 1988 Ford C/E-One. 


Flat Rock, NC is covered by Blue Ridge Fire & Rescue.  They have a sizeable fleet and mostly E-Ones, but they purchased all of them new.  I'm not familiar with a Flat Rock in GA.  I'll do some digging and see what I can find out.


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Looking for an Old Friend...Ford/Eone Pumper - by GA_Dave - 10-29-2014, 02:04 PM

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