While our MSAs are ten years old now (Firehawks, not M series), we've been treated very well by our MSA vendor that we use to service the packs and anything that could possibly be under warranty was treated as such. I'd give them a chance to do you right. If the local sales rep through your dealer doesn't, find out who the MSA regional guy is and bend his ear.
And before anyone starts the Scott vs. MSA thing, I'm good friends with a sales rep that does Scott, and his van always has a few Scott packs that are going in to the shop for repair work. Some departments are just harder than others on the stuff and will break anything.
And before anyone starts the Scott vs. MSA thing, I'm good friends with a sales rep that does Scott, and his van always has a few Scott packs that are going in to the shop for repair work. Some departments are just harder than others on the stuff and will break anything.