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Hartsdale (NY) Working Fire 11-30-15
Quote:Police Department runs EMS. It's complicated though, LOL. A Police Officer/EMT patrols in an ambulance. Police Officer/Paramedics patrol in Chevrolet Tahoes with ALS equipment. If there's a call, they meet up and make up the ambulance crew. Sometimes, especially if it's BLS, a regular patrol officer will drive the ambulance to the hospital while the Officer/EMT rides it in.

Then there's the civilian side, which is a division in the department. There is one civilian ALS ambulance for the Town Of Greenburgh, staffed with a civilian Paramedic and sometimes a civilian EMT. For the incorporated Villages in the Town Of Greenburgh, they have a civilian Paramedic flycar that meets up with the volunteer ambulances.

It gets a little more mixed up then that sometimes, but that's the basics.

Sounds like they make it harder than it needs to be, But hey, I'm not there so I can't really answer for them, just an outside perspective. 


Thanks for sharing that information!


Messages In This Thread
Hartsdale (NY) Working Fire 11-30-15 - by CCFR-45 - 12-01-2015, 12:11 AM
Hartsdale (NY) Working Fire 11-30-15 - by CCFR-45 - 12-01-2015, 06:46 PM
Hartsdale (NY) Working Fire 11-30-15 - by derry86 - 12-27-2015, 10:44 AM

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