Quote:I normally sit stuff like this out, but this kind of bothers me, that this is the mentality. I know, this guy bears no effect on the outcome of the Engine/Squad debacle, but do people REALLY think like this? The FDNY does it, so surely it will work for EVERYONE! Let me say, this bears nothing on my opinion of FDNY, it just bothers me that people have this mindset.
Well he did gloss over the fact that FDNY has true dedicated Rescues as well. Yes this thinking is very alive and well in the fire services.
I'm sure anyone that has worked in apparatus sales will tell you that they've run across this more than a few hundred times. Worse yet is the mentality that we like option A because mfg B does it that way. Then when you ask why they can give you no logical answer better yet if you or another mfg do it a better way and you can prove it they still refuse to acknowledge it.
I've also witnessed many a truck purchased with options on them that a department will never use, but were copied off another dept nearby or big city. I once had to repeat a mistake on a walk in rescue, not because it was a good idea but
because they saw it on another rig and even after being told it was a cumbersome mistake (made it difficult to access the equipment in the field) they still wanted it on their rig so it was a copy of the original.
I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to bang my head into a brick wall, as it would have done more good.