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Yonkers NY HazMat Major Fuel Oil Spill 2-27-16
185 Bronx River Rd, Yonkers NY 2-27-16

Yonkers Fire Department responded to a truck carrying 6,500 gallons of home heating fuel that spilled 2,100 gallons, with 600 of those going into the Bronx River. The photos are of the offloading of the fuel from the damaged truck the another truck.

More details on this incident:

[Image: fuel8.jpg]
[Image: fuel7.jpg]
[Image: fuel6.jpg]
[Image: fuel1.jpg]
[Image: fuel9.jpg]
[Image: fuel10.jpg]
[Image: fuel11.jpg]
[Image: fuel4.jpg]
[Image: fuel2.jpg]
[Image: fuel3.jpg]
[Image: fuel5.jpg]
Seth Granville
My Photos: 


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Yonkers NY HazMat Major Fuel Oil Spill 2-27-16 - by TacSupport1 - 02-27-2016, 09:17 PM

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