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Unusual "Rescue" in Portland 7-12-14
I just ran across these photos from 2014 and thought it was interesting.

Sta 7 was dispatched for a citizen assist. On arrival, we found a girl on the

2nd floor of a large playhouse. With her was one of her dogs who climbed

the ladder but could not get down.

Using a sheet of plywood as a ramp, the dog was able to slide down.

[Image: p2034127080-4.jpg]

Placing the plywood
[Image: p2031415877-4.jpg]

[Image: p1904929676-4.jpg]

Sliding Down
[Image: p1951352708-4.jpg]

[Image: p1924981110-4.jpg]



Messages In This Thread
Unusual "Rescue" in Portland 7-12-14 - by Guest - 04-25-2016, 12:13 AM
Unusual "Rescue" in Portland 7-12-14 - by CCFR-45 - 04-25-2016, 11:59 AM
Unusual "Rescue" in Portland 7-12-14 - by Guest - 04-25-2016, 02:32 PM
Unusual "Rescue" in Portland 7-12-14 - by Guest - 04-27-2016, 12:15 AM

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