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REV Group Buys Ferrara?
If this is true, it is scary.  Daimler-Chrysler (Freightliner) did a similar thing with buying out brands across the specialty vehicle platform, and it tanked for them big time, taking away many nameplates. 
One company owning three major brands of fire apparatus, seven different ambulance brands, and numerous RV, bus and other vehicle brands, with 28 brands total.  They must have a ton of capital to play with.  They seem to be financially equipped for it, at least It appears so, on their website.
It would also mean they would be a major supplier to FDNY, with KME having the engine contract, and Ferrara having the rearmount ladder contract.
One wonders if they will keep all the fire apparatus brands separate for the long term?
Seth Granville
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Messages In This Thread
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by TacSupport1 - 04-18-2017, 09:19 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by alex3610 - 04-18-2017, 09:21 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by ACPD227 - 04-18-2017, 09:56 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by TacSupport1 - 04-18-2017, 10:49 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by alex3610 - 04-18-2017, 01:17 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by nealcraig - 04-18-2017, 02:09 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by CAPTFBFD - 04-18-2017, 10:54 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by KENTucky - 04-19-2017, 08:25 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by TacSupport1 - 04-20-2017, 09:30 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by CAPTFBFD - 04-20-2017, 07:17 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by firescooby - 04-22-2017, 12:57 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by Juice - 04-25-2017, 02:36 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by TacSupport1 - 04-25-2017, 08:01 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by firescooby - 04-25-2017, 08:17 PM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by npfd801 - 04-26-2017, 02:29 AM
REV Group Buys Ferrara? - by firetdriver_99 - 04-26-2017, 04:41 PM

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