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I'm working on integrations for the site.  One thing that has occurred since Firepics went live in September of 2004 is the explosive presence that social media has established.  Many members have left to simply share their photos exclusively via social media and Firepics has obviously suffered because of that.  

I am working on a simple way for people to share with Firepics via social media.  The first of those enhancements to the site was the addition of a Facebook Logon/Registration.  New members can register on the site with one click that imports their Facebook information and registers them as a user on the site.  I have also set up pages on Facebook and Twitter that automatically share any new posts in the Photos Section with a link back to that post.

The Facebook page is: 

The Twitter page is:

In keeping with the above theme, I have set up a new area in the Photos section called "Hashtagged Posts."  I am working on scripts that will pull from the "big 3" (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) whenever someone uses the hashtag #FirepicsOnline which will hopefully get people sharing by making it easier for them to just post in one place and have their work shared here.  Of course, the difficult part here is getting the hashtag out there, which is why I'm making this post.  I need people to start using the hashtag to get visibility.

Please, if you post a fire related photo on social media, please use the hashtag

Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator



Messages In This Thread
#FirepicsOnline - by edburke - 03-25-2018, 11:04 AM
RE: #FirepicsOnline - by grubber33270 - 03-25-2018, 12:19 PM
RE: #FirepicsOnline - by edburke - 03-25-2018, 12:31 PM

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