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Mount Laurel Motel Fire 9-15-2020 Hazle Township, PA
Between 5:45 am and 6:30 am on Tuesday, 15-September-2020 the Hazle Township and Harwood Fire Company were tone out for a commercial structure fire at the Mount Laurel Motel on Route 309 just outside of the City of Hazleton.

Engine 141-2 was the first on the scene and called for additional Tankers since the closest Hydrant was over 2000 feet. The fire was limited one room and was out within 5 minutes of the first arriving company. When I got to the scene 10 to 15 minutes after they arrived they had the fire out and were doing overhaul.

[Image: MOUNT%20LAUREL%20MOTEL%20FIRE%209152020%200007-X5.jpg]

The rigs out on Route 309 when I arrived on the scene. Trescrow, Hazle Township Tanker 106, Harwood Fire Company Tanker 241, and Harwood Fire Company Engine 241-1 Parked on the shoulder of Route 309.


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Mount Laurel Motel Fire 9-15-2020 Hazle Township, PA - by nozzleman - 09-16-2020, 08:28 AM

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