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RIP Firepics Yahoo Group
I know that the Firepics Yahoo Group hasn't been active in years, but prior to this board coming into existence it saw several thousand posts per month.  Yahoo was the successor to eGroups wgere Firepics was initially founded.  A lot of good people, great discussions and, of course, awesome photos were shared before this site was even a thought.  

Yahoo will be permanently shutting down the Groups on December 15, 2020.  They have already deleted the archives, but the memory will go on and I figured recognition of this ending was appropriate.

Rest in Peace Firepics Yahoo Group, we've got it from here.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator



Messages In This Thread
RIP Firepics Yahoo Group - by edburke - 10-16-2020, 08:04 PM
RE: RIP Firepics Yahoo Group - by TacSupport1 - 10-17-2020, 08:22 AM
RE: RIP Firepics Yahoo Group - by GA_Dave - 10-24-2020, 10:28 PM

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