It's also been confirmed that the aerial committee has met and they're in the planning phase of 5 new TDAs for the County. Off the top of my head, I would say 6, 34, and possibly 10, 25, and 31, maybe 16 (even thought that's corporation owned). I'll update when I get some more information.
The TDA that served as Truck 725 and retired to the reserve fleet, and was wrecked in a snow storm by the vender. it has been finished and is going th the training academy.
The TDA that served as Truck 725 and retired to the reserve fleet, and was wrecked in a snow storm by the vender. it has been finished and is going th the training academy.
A large part of my collection was purchased from a GOOD man, John Floyd. I give him FULL credit on his work, although I may miss something. Thanks John. Also Scott Mattson, Warren Jenkins, Michael Schwartzberg, and Mike Sanders. Thanks Guys.