The Sumter County Fire Department covers just over 480 square miles around the City of Americus. Four stations are staffed with a combination of career Firefighters and inmate Firefighters. There are 15 more stations staffed by Volunteers. I have photographed the apparatus at the career stations on previous occasions, but this trip was targeted at the Volunteer stations. The career Battalion Chief on duty that day was kind enough to lead me to five stations and pull out rigs for me. These stations are simple, one-bay, concrete block buildings and most don't even have power. Some have a solar panel on the roof, wired to a trickle charger on the rig. Many of the apparatus in these stations were purchased used.
Engine 52, Sumter County, GA
1986 Ford LN-8000/1987 Van Pelt
x-Hamilton FD, Dayton, NV
Engine 52, Sumter County, GA
1986 Ford LN-8000/1987 Van Pelt
x-Hamilton FD, Dayton, NV