Quote:I have shot about 40 Boardman apparatus which I'll post as soon as I wade through the Atlanta stuff.
OK, I've completed posting rigs in the Atlanta thread (until I get more developed), so I can now post the Boardman rigs I've shot over the years. As Steve said, much of Boardman's production was based on the Ford C-Series chassis as were 18 of the 44 Boardman rigs that I have shot. Since I recently posted them in the Ford C thread, I'll not post them again. To see them, look for the following posts in that thread:
#227, 354, 355, 356, 357, 375, 434, 474, 475, 476, 518, 725, 824, 981, 1005, 1028, 1144, and 1174.
That said, here are the rest.
Engine 16, Augusta-Richmond County, GA
Hendrickson 1871-S