Before Benjy joined us, Andrew and I stopped at a certian dealership of fire trucks which also does refurbishing. After telling them who we were, they let us go around under their supervision, look and take pictures of rigs, both new ones and ones in repair. We were treated like criminals and as soon as we left, we were chased down in the parking lot and told that due to privacy laws that we could not post pictures on the internet of the wrecked trucks we had just been led around to look at. The excuse they gave was complete BS, but I will grant their request and not post those pictures. Needless to say, we were both furious at how we were treated and probably will never return. Anyways, I'll get off my soapbox and continue posting.
St. Stephens FD Engine 43
1998 Freightliner FL80/Pierce
#EB 596
St. Stephens FD Engine 43
1998 Freightliner FL80/Pierce
#EB 596
Micah Bodford
Fire Investigator
City of Winston-Salem Fire Dept.
Fire Investigator
City of Winston-Salem Fire Dept.