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Aviation Photos - Post your "AirPics" here!
[quote name='badbrad' post='140750' date='Aug 15 2007, 23:41 ']it is actually a S-3 viking.... the S-2 was a carrier based sub hunter as well but was retired long ago.... the S-2 airframes are heavily used in California as air tankers the new version is called the S-2T[/quote]

This S3"Viking" is the actual plane that President Bush flew while in the reserves.According to the Museum Curator at the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola,Florida they called the Texas guard unit that President Bush was in and asked if they had any memorabilia from the days the President served that they might display in the museum and the Texas folks told them we have the plane he flew if you want it we'll send it to you,and the rest is history.


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Aviation Photos - Post your "AirPics" here! - by bill wall - 08-16-2007, 08:52 AM

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