2007 Chevrolet Wheeled Coach Crusader type II
Big Spring, TX FD-EMS has 6 units. Four (4) type I's for primary 911 responses and two (2) type II's for non-911 calls since there is NO private ambulance service in Big Spring. You may have seen on the national news a few days ago where a gasoline refinery blew up in Big Spring.
John Anderson
San Antonio, TX
<img src='http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/usa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />
Big Spring, TX FD-EMS has 6 units. Four (4) type I's for primary 911 responses and two (2) type II's for non-911 calls since there is NO private ambulance service in Big Spring. You may have seen on the national news a few days ago where a gasoline refinery blew up in Big Spring.
John Anderson
San Antonio, TX
<img src='http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/usa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />