Pond! Thats no pond! Its Krodel lake!! <img src='http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='
' /> Actually the lake was made from the dirt being removed to build the over head earthen train tressel you passed under. It was a depression works project so the old times tell me.
Dates off hand, the quality is a 1996 it was what I call a coffee table spec&bid. One of our members brothers was selling Quality at the time and well we needed a truck you see!
E one is a 1998 or 99 this one had an actual bid process and I was on the party. I really tried to make a decent fire truck out of it. But when the meeting opens with, and I quote "I don' care whats it gots long as it has u Q!" Well its a nice water hauler with a Q <img src='http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<_<' />
The snorkel had a Hendrickson cab and was refurbed by Trotwood back, I think in the late 80's. We had a Pierce Tele squirt that the city/county bought in 1976. A great truck! Pretty cutting edge I'd say as it came with a foam system. Well the chief at the time would not allow anyone to drive it except him self and his son! So it sat and sat! It made all the big fires in Pt. Pleasant and Gallipolis in its day. Was even called to Ripley, WV once which is about 30 miles NE. Anyway, it fell apart and I spearheaded a project to replace it. Had city and county attention and even state level assistance with some extra cash.
I was working on an E One 110' out of MD, can't remember the dept but they had just bought a new ladder and this one was sitting in the station not being used! As usual I got dry humped by my fellow members, our boy chief found the truck at Finley fire. They pulled the "you better buy it now, another dept. is ready to sign papers on it!" So with visions of Q sirens and mars lights flashing in his boy brain he came wheeling into town in the snorkel.
I'll try and drum up some info for you sometime. I don't get around the station much as it really upsets me to see the way things operate now. So much cash blown and no one held accountable. Like on the "new" station
So I have a project for all you! Point Pleasant had, I can't remember the brand. Either a Seagrave or Pirsch built in the 1930's that we still have the bell off of. Would anyone have any info in their records?
While you were at Valley did they still have the old 40's model open cab? These got this truck which was an old City of Huntington truck with the idea of resorting it. It sat by the road for about a year in the weather and now I don't know if they moved it inside or what happened to it.

Dates off hand, the quality is a 1996 it was what I call a coffee table spec&bid. One of our members brothers was selling Quality at the time and well we needed a truck you see!
E one is a 1998 or 99 this one had an actual bid process and I was on the party. I really tried to make a decent fire truck out of it. But when the meeting opens with, and I quote "I don' care whats it gots long as it has u Q!" Well its a nice water hauler with a Q <img src='http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<_<' />
The snorkel had a Hendrickson cab and was refurbed by Trotwood back, I think in the late 80's. We had a Pierce Tele squirt that the city/county bought in 1976. A great truck! Pretty cutting edge I'd say as it came with a foam system. Well the chief at the time would not allow anyone to drive it except him self and his son! So it sat and sat! It made all the big fires in Pt. Pleasant and Gallipolis in its day. Was even called to Ripley, WV once which is about 30 miles NE. Anyway, it fell apart and I spearheaded a project to replace it. Had city and county attention and even state level assistance with some extra cash.
I was working on an E One 110' out of MD, can't remember the dept but they had just bought a new ladder and this one was sitting in the station not being used! As usual I got dry humped by my fellow members, our boy chief found the truck at Finley fire. They pulled the "you better buy it now, another dept. is ready to sign papers on it!" So with visions of Q sirens and mars lights flashing in his boy brain he came wheeling into town in the snorkel.
I'll try and drum up some info for you sometime. I don't get around the station much as it really upsets me to see the way things operate now. So much cash blown and no one held accountable. Like on the "new" station
So I have a project for all you! Point Pleasant had, I can't remember the brand. Either a Seagrave or Pirsch built in the 1930's that we still have the bell off of. Would anyone have any info in their records?
While you were at Valley did they still have the old 40's model open cab? These got this truck which was an old City of Huntington truck with the idea of resorting it. It sat by the road for about a year in the weather and now I don't know if they moved it inside or what happened to it.