[quote name='lonestar081' post='251208' date='Oct 1 2008, 20:45 ']I have seen photos of this truck before and was wondering why some of these new LAFD Freightliner Rehab/airtenders have a single blue flashing light on the roof of the cargo box. I know that in California blue emergency lights are only allowed on police vehicles, at least according to the motor vehicle code book. Except for this truck I have never seen another firetruck or ambulance in California equipped with a blue light, making these LAFD trucks very unique. I am new to this website, why didn't my question end up on page 14 near the photo of LAFD Rehab/airtender 59??[/quote]
From what I know the blue lights are on when the truck is filling air bottles.
From what I know the blue lights are on when the truck is filling air bottles.
People complaining about spam in the spam mail box... Huh, what'll they think of next?