[quote name='marco17' date='05 February 2010 - 10:20 PM' timestamp='1265425218' post='362436']
F-1569 Crown Aerial
Originally Costa Mesa, CA then went to Beacon Falls, CT. Does anyone know where it ended up after Beacon Falls sold her? It's hard to keep a Crown hidden on the East Coast.
Photo Credit: Christopher Gibbons and photo from the Crown Is King website...much appreicated.
I know it was sold to a private collectore but I do not think its in the state anymore. For some reason I want to say its in maryland now but I am totally unsure.
F-1569 Crown Aerial
Originally Costa Mesa, CA then went to Beacon Falls, CT. Does anyone know where it ended up after Beacon Falls sold her? It's hard to keep a Crown hidden on the East Coast.
Photo Credit: Christopher Gibbons and photo from the Crown Is King website...much appreicated.
I know it was sold to a private collectore but I do not think its in the state anymore. For some reason I want to say its in maryland now but I am totally unsure.