E Bay seems to have become quite the money maker for some folks . Weve all seen how much fire memorabilia has taken off in the lsat couple of years . Im sure youve heard of some of the horror stories that have occured when the vultures swoop in when a collector passes away . Alot of the time the poor widow has very little idea of the value her loved ones collection was truly worth .
So I suppose none of this really surprises me . But what sucks about it is how much it offends those of us who truly love the history and tradition aspect of the job , only to see it becomming increasingly fleeced by folks that only care about a buck...
So I suppose none of this really surprises me . But what sucks about it is how much it offends those of us who truly love the history and tradition aspect of the job , only to see it becomming increasingly fleeced by folks that only care about a buck...