Here are a few more retired and current apparatus from St. Paul, MN.
Since Dave requested L-20, here it is. This unit has a long history, and I will try to cover it.
The unit pictured is a 1980 International Cargostar with a 1971 Thibault 100' aerial and body. The 1980 chassis replaced a 1966 International chassis. The 1966 chassis was originally part of a rebuild of a 1937 Pirsch 55' aerial, and received the Thibault aerial in 1971.
Thanks to Bill Friedrich for this use of this photo
Since Dave requested L-20, here it is. This unit has a long history, and I will try to cover it.
The unit pictured is a 1980 International Cargostar with a 1971 Thibault 100' aerial and body. The 1980 chassis replaced a 1966 International chassis. The 1966 chassis was originally part of a rebuild of a 1937 Pirsch 55' aerial, and received the Thibault aerial in 1971.
Thanks to Bill Friedrich for this use of this photo