Don't give up the ship without a fight, 73!!!
Yeah, it's "funny" how these cities want to cut the fire department first because "no one's afraid of fire." They're afraid of crime and, while cops do get cut here and there, the majority of the time it's the fire departments that take the hit and not the cops. Put these f---ing politicians in turnout gear and SCBA and let them ride along with the busiest companies and see what it's like to work for a living and experience how difficult it is to "do more with less", as they like to say/think so often.
Jenkins needs to grow some cojonies and take the fight to the media like it hasn't been done so far. The citizens of not only St. Louis but the entire metro area need to be better informed of the repercussions that could occur with doing more with less. Closing fire stations and decreasing manpower are not the answer, though it may appear to be to politicians AND citizens alike. Fires are still going to happen, as well as EMS runs.
How many people need to die before the madness stops?!
It'll be interesting to see what the new pumpers will look like and which manufactuer gets the bid.
Yeah, it's "funny" how these cities want to cut the fire department first because "no one's afraid of fire." They're afraid of crime and, while cops do get cut here and there, the majority of the time it's the fire departments that take the hit and not the cops. Put these f---ing politicians in turnout gear and SCBA and let them ride along with the busiest companies and see what it's like to work for a living and experience how difficult it is to "do more with less", as they like to say/think so often.
Jenkins needs to grow some cojonies and take the fight to the media like it hasn't been done so far. The citizens of not only St. Louis but the entire metro area need to be better informed of the repercussions that could occur with doing more with less. Closing fire stations and decreasing manpower are not the answer, though it may appear to be to politicians AND citizens alike. Fires are still going to happen, as well as EMS runs.
How many people need to die before the madness stops?!
It'll be interesting to see what the new pumpers will look like and which manufactuer gets the bid.