Thanks to everyone for the information updates!! On the Brooklyn, MD/Northeast Stokes, NC truck, now that I think about it, Micah and I did see the "312" and "A.A. Co." writing painted over in the maltese cross on the door. I was so busy writing down specs from the million other trucks, I got distracted and forgot to put that down.
Steve L, we assume East Spencer's platform is for sale. It was unlettered and parked behind the FD at the Public Works building. It was lettered and in the station last time we went there, and it certainly didn't look like it had a fresh paint job parked out there. Apparently there was some controversy when ESFD bought the truck anyhow, so they may be getting rid of a problem.
Bruce, I have no idea what the guy's name is, but he owns 9/10's of the old trucks posted from the muster. He keeps most of these trucks parked inside a huge garage in Landis, NC (Rowan Co.) and calls his fictional fire department the "Landis Hook & Ladder Company." He also owns two fields full of antique rigs in various states of disrepair and rust, and also owns about 5 or 6 former gasoline tankers turned into massive water tenders that he pulls with his semi-trucks to help local fire departments with water supply during large fires. Last time we went, he had two or three antique cadillac-style ambulances parked outside also. Apparently he's getting interested in those now?
Tom H, I bet you know this guy's name...
Steve L, we assume East Spencer's platform is for sale. It was unlettered and parked behind the FD at the Public Works building. It was lettered and in the station last time we went there, and it certainly didn't look like it had a fresh paint job parked out there. Apparently there was some controversy when ESFD bought the truck anyhow, so they may be getting rid of a problem.
Bruce, I have no idea what the guy's name is, but he owns 9/10's of the old trucks posted from the muster. He keeps most of these trucks parked inside a huge garage in Landis, NC (Rowan Co.) and calls his fictional fire department the "Landis Hook & Ladder Company." He also owns two fields full of antique rigs in various states of disrepair and rust, and also owns about 5 or 6 former gasoline tankers turned into massive water tenders that he pulls with his semi-trucks to help local fire departments with water supply during large fires. Last time we went, he had two or three antique cadillac-style ambulances parked outside also. Apparently he's getting interested in those now?
Tom H, I bet you know this guy's name...