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Engine 2 and Medic 2 on the ramp at Fire House 2 Headquarters. I love the no nonsense engine and short wheel base of Newton's Saber

[Image: 5965994474_9d56aa5a11_b.jpg]

Newton, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 2

Battalion 2


GMC 2500HD

[Image: 5965992668_6c81572bef_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Found one of our long lost Gem's in Hutchinson. I remember this serving KCKFD as Truck 19 and then Reserve Truck 97. For a short stint in the early 1970's KCKFD did not order Federal Q sirens. I believe only this rig and the two WLF pumpers were missing Q Sirens by 1978 they had returned. This was delivered sold red and the white top was added around 1989-1990. This was one of only three to carry a white top in KCKFD Quint 10 Sutphen, Pumper 5 Pierce Arrow, and this ALF. The signature KCKFD yellow safety gate added to all open canopy rigs in the late 1980's. Unknown why it has L9 on it. KCKFD has always used T on the rigs and Truck on the radio. Is this the correct job number? I had to get it off the ladder.

Hutchinson, Kansas Community College

Ex: Kansas City, Kansas Fire Department

Ex: Truck 1,3,19, Reserve Truck 97



American LaFrance Pacemaker


100ft Ladder

[Image: 5966007656_b6fbbea8e6_b.jpg]

[Image: 5965453857_910a3de5ca_b.jpg]

Yes a real rack of ground ladders including a 50ft bangor!!!

[Image: 5966008778_b375654e75_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
[quote name='MFD 61 KS' timestamp='1311204138' post='449118']

Harvey County Fire District 1 Walton, Kansas

Ex: White Plains, NY???

Engine 76



KME/ Ford L-8000


[Image: 5958782083_7d697ea954_b.jpg]

Harvey County Fire District 1 Walton, Kansas

Ex: White Plains, NY???

Engine 77



KME/ Ford L-8000


[Image: 5958785873_1642230b02_b.jpg]

Both Engine 76 and Engine 77 have identical rear bodies.

[Image: 5958789049_e472190965_b.jpg]


Ex-South Glens Falls, NY According to Ron Bogardus
[quote name='The Commish' timestamp='1311541227' post='449658']

Ex-South Glens Falls, NY According to Ron Bogardus


Thanks for the information, much appreciated.

Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
1975 4069 PM-14-4069 Kansas City, Kansas KS Truck 1 100' Midmount Aerial Pacemaker 2-20-75 American La France

[quote name='MFD 61 KS' timestamp='1311391360' post='449426']

Found one of our long lost Gem's in Hutchinson. I remember this serving KCKFD as Truck 19 and then Reserve Truck 97. For a short stint in the early 1970's KCKFD did not order Federal Q sirens. I believe only this rig and the two WLF pumpers were missing Q Sirens by 1978 they had returned. This was delivered sold red and the white top was added around 1989-1990. This was one of only three to carry a white top in KCKFD Quint 10 Sutphen, Pumper 5 Pierce Arrow, and this ALF. The signature KCKFD yellow safety gate added to all open canopy rigs in the late 1980's. Unknown why it has L9 on it. KCKFD has always used T on the rigs and Truck on the radio. Is this the correct job number? I had to get it off the ladder.

Hutchinson, Kansas Community College

Ex: Kansas City, Kansas Fire Department

Ex: Truck 1,3,19, Reserve Truck 97



American LaFrance Pacemaker


100ft Ladder

[Image: 5966007656_b6fbbea8e6_b.jpg]

[Image: 5965453857_910a3de5ca_b.jpg]

Yes a real rack of ground ladders including a 50ft bangor!!!

[Image: 5966008778_b375654e75_b.jpg]

City of Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department is fully career and since the early 1900's operated four fire houses with a fifth added in the 1950's. They originally operated five engines, two trucks, and one chief. In the Mid-1990's the trucks were disbanded in favor of a quint and two squads with Ladder One only making commercial fires. In 2001 Reno County Fire District Two also fully career was adsorbed by Hutchinson creating fire house six and seven. This was also the first time Hutchinson long standing career department was responsible for rural firefighting. With this added responsibility all new Engine's are equipped with 1000 gallon tanks in the future as the Smeal/Internationals are phased out the Custom Engines can be relocated. 2011 Hutchinson began returning to a Truck and Engine concept. Quint One is now booked in on all fires in the city and target hazards in the old Reno County Fire District Two area. Squad One was removed from service last month. Future Plans call for removing Squad Four from service creating permanent staffing for Truck Four and eventually adding an Engine with Quint One. See good things can happen. Refreshing to see more quints removed from duel roll service.

[Image: 5976320285_dfb411de5c_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 1

Quint 1



Pierce Dash


75ft Ladder

City Wide Truck Company.

[Image: 5976885158_29a8bc34a7_b.jpg]

2005 was a record year for Hutchinson long time member Kim Forbes was promoted to Fire Chief. He returned the uniform to dark navy blue with badges from polo shirts and tan pants. He also recommended Federal Q Sirens should be returned on the new Quint and Engine with Bells and Roto-Rays.
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 1

Battalion 1


Chevy 2500HD

[Image: 5976888858_9c8b594d30_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 1

Haz-Mat 1


Wayne/ International


Housed at Fire House One since 2006. Haz-Mat will be returning to Fire House Two by the end of summer.

[Image: 5976886202_c7ae189bb9_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 1

Reserve Engine 1

EX: Engine 5



Pierce Lance


One of Two purchased in 1988. Engine 2 and Reserve Engine 1 represent the traditional no nonsense style engine purchased prior to adsorbing Reno County Fire District Two. This is truly a classic!!!

[Image: 5976887182_1fe30344d8_b.jpg]

Low Hose Bed with rear Booster

[Image: 5976888080_a49bbf6fa6_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 2

Engine 2



Pierce Dash


Engine 2 and Reserve Engine 1 represent the traditional no nonsense style engine purchased prior to adsorbing Reno County Fire District Two. This is truly a classic!!!

[Image: 5976937722_9a5208c67f_b.jpg]

Low hose bed, rear Booster, and Chicago pump can

[Image: 5976374273_8723c55259_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
These bolt on cast chrome numbers were used at one time on all Hutchinson Fire Apparatus. Sadly only Engine 2 and Engine 6 still carry the cast chrome numbers.

[Image: 5976374967_8a17844d3f_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 2

Reserve Engine 2

EX: Engine 6 and Engine 4



Smeal/ International


[Image: 5976940094_7bdb057dff_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 3

Engine 3



Pierce Velocity


[Image: 5976965028_9ea03f7d1a_b.jpg]

High hose bed, body ground ladder storage, and fold-da tank rack

[Image: 5976992728_06b50ea903_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Photo by Capt. Unruh HFD4

Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 4

Engine 4

EX: Engine 3



Pierce Dash


Fire House 4 is the department technical rescue team. Moved to Fire House 4 since it was built as a rear pump Rescue Engine.

[Image: 5976992856_20227338b5_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 4

Truck 4

EX: Truck 1



Pierce Dash


100ft Tower Ladder

Citywide commercial Fire Alarms, Commercial Fires, and Target Hazards. Future Citywide Truck Company.

[Image: 5976401553_a29d4e2fea_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

EX: Wichita ITC

Fire House 4

Crash Rescue Vehicle 4 (Shrek)



Oshkosh T-1500

1500/1500/200B/500lb purple-k

NOTE: Stuffed Shrek in the front window.

NOTE: Note the Airport is less than a mile away from Fire House 4.

[Image: 5976402291_fa94e5795c_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 4

Rescue 4



Designed from Newton, Kansas Hackney Rescue Trailer Spec.

[Image: 5976403093_5a690e10ba_b.jpg]

[Image: 5976403861_31d8caa9e6_b.jpg]

[Image: 5976512077_81f8c37616.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

EX: Reno Co. Fire District 2

Fire House 5

Engine 5



Smeal/ International

1250/2000/ foam system disabled

[Image: 5977022376_4bd10630ab_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Hutchinson, Kansas Fire Department

Fire House 6

Engine 6

EX: Engine 3



Smeal/ International


[Image: 5977023180_43e3a32d17_b.jpg]

[Image: 5976461155_69580ed868_z.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri


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