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Pennsylvania Fire/EMS Apparatus
The six Wayne Twp Crusader II pumpers were built in two groups of three each. Units had serial numbers 90N945, orgininally E4, 90N946 went to E9, 90N947 went to E2. In the second group 90N968 went to E1, 90N969 to E10 and 90N970 was the last 100 percent custom Young built went to E21.

The rigs were originally painted red, red, lime green, white, lime green and dark green respectively. In later years, most if not all were repainted by Wayne Twp. If you can get the Young serial number you can see which of the six units you have in the photo.

Tom Shand

Hamburg, New York
Time to bump this topic back up top again... I have more pictures! LOL

Way back in October of 06 Pat Shoop (EMS12) invited me to go on a trip with him and Dave Bowen out to Crawford County, Pa. It was THE BEST photo trip I have ever been on.... I can say that hands down... I should have posted these pics way back then.. but I start to go through them to resize them and I think back to that weekend and how great it was and I get lost in thought. I have finally put my mind down to getting them up here! Pat, if you are reading this... please forgive me about this last weekend.. I forgot all about it until Saturday at which point I slammed my head down on my desk hard enough to make the keyboard go flying off the desk. My schedule at work is f***ed up right now, I am supposed to be changed to a Mon-Fri schedule by the second week in June.. and than I will be available for anything. Once again, I am so sorry... and to everyone else.. please enjoy these pictures!

International/Pierce Pumper

Townville Fire Department

Crawford County

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Kenworth/Pierce Pumper

Townville Fire Department

Crawford County

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I don't keep good notes still (though I have now made up a form to keep track of stuff!!).. so alot of this stuff is going to be memory/guess.

International/4-Guys Pumper

Townville Fire Department

Crawford County

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Spartan/Ferrara Tanker

Townville Fire Department

Crawford County

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Spartan/? Pumper

Blooming Valley Fire Department

Crawford County

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Chevrolet Squad Truck

Blooming Valley Fire Department

Crawford County

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International/Pierce Tanker

Blooming Valley Fire Department

Crawford County

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I used to have people that would send me messages for not posting ambulances... so to appease these people.. I will post some ambulances on here as well (though not so many that someone would confuse this for LOL)

Ford/Lifeline Ambulance

Cochranton Fire Department

Crawford County, Pa

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Chevy Brush Truck

Cochranton Fire Department

Crawford County

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Pierce Pumper

Cochranton Fire Department

Crawford County

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International/Kenco Rescue Truck

Cochranton Fire Department

Crawford County

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Chevrolet/Darley Tanker

Cochranton Fire Department

Crawford County

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Dodge Brush Truck

Vernon Township Fire Department

Meadville, Pa

Crawford County

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Spartan/Keystone Tanker

Vernon Township Fire Department

Meadville, Pa

Crawford County

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Chevy/4-Guys Tanker

Vernon Township Fire Department

Meadville, Pa

Crawford County

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I am starting to get tired.. so I am going to end with this one. Underneath it, I have put a picture just for Pat... call it an inside joke. I think I can get away with posting it since I am also posting a fire truck picture. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' />

Simon-Duplex/LTI Ladder Truck

Vernon Township Fire Department

Meadville, Pa

Crawford County

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mmmmm Fried Pickles!!!

Minor correction, the International pumpers shown in posts #990 and #996 for Townville and Blooming Valley Fire Departments that you ID as Pierce products were actually built by NEW LEXINGTON Fire Equipment Co.

I worked for New Lex. during the period that both of those units were built and it is nice to see photos of the units after delivery.

And THANK YOU for sharing your photos with the boards.

Tim W.
Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
[quote name='YeOldeEnjine' post='113451' date='May 30 2007, 03:38 ']Rheems1;

Minor correction, the International pumpers shown in posts #990 and #996 for Townville and Blooming Valley Fire Departments that you ID as Pierce products were actually built by NEW LEXINGTON Fire Equipment Co.

I worked for New Lex. during the period that both of those units were built and it is nice to see photos of the units after delivery.

And THANK YOU for sharing your photos with the boards.

Tim W.[/quote]

I certainly do have egg on my face... by the time I got ahold of a Crawford County list.. it was to late to modify the postings. It sure was/is a shame about New Lexington... they built some mighty fine fire apparatus.. mighty fine! Thank you for posting the correct information!

Dave Fritz


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