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Canada Eh?
In the 80's, Anderson Engineering was the Bronto representative and supplied the first bunch of Bronto platforms into North America. Shop # 9189 is a 1989 Anderson Pacific (another Canadian designed/built chassis) 40 2T1 135 ft. Bronto platform.

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Colwood B.C. is one of the many smaller communities located just outside of Victoria and operates out of one fire station. One of their early brush trucks was this 1976 Superior International Harvester 200 4x4 with a 250 IGPM pump and a 300 GWT.

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Colwood B.C. runs an Anderson built Mack MC as the second out engine. Engine 52 is a 1984 Anderson Mack MC with a 1250 IGPM pump, 500IGWT and a 30 IG "B" foam tank.

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Colwood Engine 51 is another Anderson built engine with one of the few rear mounted pumps that Anderson produced. E-51 is on a Spartan Gladiator chassis and has a 1500IGPM pump, 500 IGWT, 15IG "A" and 20IG"B" foam tanks.

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Colwood had the last vehicle built by Anderson in their apparatus fleet, a 2000 Chev 3500 4x4 with utility body that was used for manpower as well as for towing a 500 IG foam trailer. This truck was damaged in an accident and the body was placed on a new chassis.

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The rescue in Colwood is a 2003 Superior Saulsbury Spartan Metrostar.

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Ladder truck duties are performed using a 1985 Hub Peterbilt 310 77 ft. Simon Snorkle with a 1050IGPM pump and 240IGWT.

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The newest apparatus at Colwood is Fire Tanker 58, a 2009 Hub Spartan Metrostar with a 1500IGPM pump, 1650 IGWT and a 25IGFT.

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Halifax Regional Fire Services

Engine 1A

**modelled after a 1979 Pierreville Pumper, designed by a Halifax FF for use in Fire Prevention activites for children.

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terry if its not to much to ask could you please post your canada refinery rigs
Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Freightliner/Contender DX, 425IGPM/2500Igallons, Job #23498

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Swan River, Manitoba P-2 2010 Fort Garry Fire Trucks/Spartan Metro Star

1250/800/25 s/n #M164

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I have managed to scan a few more photos, this time from Saanich, just north of Victoria, B.C. on Vancouver Island. Saanich P-32 was a 1979 Hub International Cab Over with a 1050 IGPM pump and 500IGWT.

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Another early pumper from Saanich is E-620, a 1980 Pierreville International with similar 1050 pump and 500 gallon water tank.

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Saanich had this 1969 LaFrance tanker, which had some minor work and a new coat of paint done on it in 1999. T-2 had a 625 IGPM pump and carried 1500 Imp. gallons of water.

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Ladder company duties were performed in Saanich using this 1976 Thibault Hendrickson 100 ft. midmount with an 840IGPM pump and 200IGWT.

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In 2007, Saanich had the Hendrickson ladder converted by Hub into a tanker using a Wellington Plastics 2500 Imp. gallon water tank.

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Until 2010, this 2000 Superior built truck on an International chassis was the rescue truck.

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Now a reserve pumper, P-11 is a 1989 Superior Pierce Lance with 1250/500/25F specs.

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This truck was replaced this year, and was a 1995 Nova Quintech Spartan Gladiator with a 1250IGPM pump,500IGWT/25IGFT and 60 ft.Nova Teleboom.

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