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Boats, Helicopters, and other miscellaneous
Ok, I'll appologize for stepping on some toes here as well, but if I'm reading this correctly, Hoisy, you have only been a member here for 6 days? Your last post comes across quite disrespectful. Some artists have been on this site for a number of years and have contributed A LOT of artwork that many of us use here. I don't understand how you can say "you don't have all day" to look through the other drawings, but then say you draw to pass the time. Every drawing has the credits listed in either the narative or in the actual drawing. So, even if you are just changing the colors around or doing a simple cut and paste, the names should still be there for the crediting. Every artist here deserves credit for their work, regardless of how the drawings are done.

This seems to be a very sticky topic lately judging by the posts under apparatus drawings. It doesn't take a lot of effort to find some names so the proper people can recieve credit for their work. I wasn't a member for the deletions of the other sections but I certainly don't want to see that happen to this one.

I don't know if it helps but what I've done is created my own "pieces and parts" page. Each time I use a particular part of a drawing, I save it to the page and place the original artists name right next to it. Any time I go back and use something, the artist's name is right there and I don't have to go searching back through the older drawings looking for names.
sorry if it has come off as disrespectful but my friend has given me a bunch of drawings from earlier in the year without the credits. i have been drawing and playing around with them for almost a year. i try to be respectfuland give the credit where it is due. like i said before if you dont see your name tell me and i will add it onto the drawing
I really dont want to get to involved but I feel if I don't it will add to possible deletion of this section. I myself missed the original 2 deleted sections so im not sure what happened. I love to do this in my free time what little time there is. I enjoy seeing how other people see a truck and draw it with there own style and imagination. I think what KDWMAEMT and Paramedic_IL are trying to say is don't be so quick to to throw your name under the truck with cut & Paste. I know you may have stretched a few lines and added a few lights or changed a cab and body but realize someone else did the work. It's very obvious when there is a new cab, body, hand tool, or other items drawn. Its always awesome to see new members on here that enjoy this topic but remember this is taken VERY serious. Some of these original drawings took hours and or months to complete, I would want credit if possible to. We all should put a little more effort into looking for original artists if possile. And as for the original artist please don't get discouraged I love seeing new work from you guys.
[quote name='BJ3976' timestamp='1297470691' post='424714']

I really dont want to get to involved but I feel if I don't it will add to possible deletion of this section. I myself missed the original 2 deleted sections so im not sure what happened. I love to do this in my free time what little time there is. I enjoy seeing how other people see a truck and draw it with there own style and imagination. I think what KDWMAEMT and Paramedic_IL are trying to say is don't be so quick to to throw your name under the truck with cut & Paste. I know you may have stretched a few lines and added a few lights or changed a cab and body but realize someone else did the work. It's very obvious when there is a new cab, body, hand tool, or other items drawn. Its always awesome to see new members on here that enjoy this topic but remember this is taken VERY serious. Some of these original drawings took hours and or months to complete, I would want credit if possible to. We all should put a little more effort into looking for original artists if possile. And as for the original artist please don't get discouraged I love seeing new work from you guys.


I really do apprechiate that. like i said in the description of the post and i will give credit where credit is due. im not trying to upset anyone and i hope there are no hard feelings over this. like its been said many times, i'm new and i'm still trying to get the hang of things
Jeez....look what I started. We can all relax, cause I didnt mean to start anything.

Ill be quite honest, I could give a flying f**k about being given credit. I appreciate it, but realize that its not a requirement of the board anymore. Others feel differently and thats their right. Most of the posters here have absolutely NO IDEA the work that goes into drawing something from scratch. I used to spend my off days drawing all the time. I cant do that anymore but when I was doing that, it would literally take me 4-6 hours to complete the smallest of drawings and several days/weeks to do some of the larger stuff. Ive done my fair share of cutting and pasting, but Ive also, with the help of a few others, done a LARGE amount of my own stuff.

I, like others, like to see new blood getting in here and doing this. My point was exactly what Paramedic_IL said. If you change a line here or a light there, its not yours. You didnt do anything, so why put your name on it? I know a lot of people have shyed away from posting because of the credit issue. Thats their problem. Im not asking for every piece or lugnut to be credited to someone. But if your "borrowing" large pieces of someone elses drawings, its only fair and right to give them the credit they deserve. The few and I mean FEW have provided for the many here so they can enjoy doing this as well. Let them know you appeciate THEIR time and effort to give you the tools to do so.

Now lets have a big group hug and get back to drawing.
<p class="bbc_center">Kevin White

Fireground Photographer
[quote name='KDWMAEMT' timestamp='1297482197' post='424756']

Jeez....look what I started. We can all relax, cause I didnt mean to start anything.

Ill be quite honest, I could give a flying f**k about being given credit. I appreciate it, but realize that its not a requirement of the board anymore. Others feel differently and thats their right. Most of the posters here have absolutely NO IDEA the work that goes into drawing something from scratch. I used to spend my off days drawing all the time. I cant do that anymore but when I was doing that, it would literally take me 4-6 hours to complete the smallest of drawings and several days/weeks to do some of the larger stuff. Ive done my fair share of cutting and pasting, but Ive also, with the help of a few others, done a LARGE amount of my own stuff.

I, like others, like to see new blood getting in here and doing this. My point was exactly what Paramedic_IL said. If you change a line here or a light there, its not yours. You didnt do anything, so why put your name on it? I know a lot of people have shyed away from posting because of the credit issue. Thats their problem. Im not asking for every piece or lugnut to be credited to someone. But if your "borrowing" large pieces of someone elses drawings, its only fair and right to give them the credit they deserve. The few and I mean FEW have provided for the many here so they can enjoy doing this as well. Let them know you appeciate THEIR time and effort to give you the tools to do so.

Now lets have a big group hug and get back to drawing.


agreed. I am trying to give credit to everyone that i know that has worked on the truck. please let me know if i missed you and i will do the right thing and add you in. i know how much time and effort it takes to make all these trucks and it is greatly apreshiated. i feel that credit should be given to everyone that has work on the truck. big or small. so please let me know and i will be happy to add you to the list. sorry bro for getting this all blown up
Something new and different, Lull 944E

Cat 906H

NYPD Charger

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NYPD Ferrara Rescue

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[quote name='FDJCengine2' timestamp='1310267150' post='447565']

EPIC FAIL. No matter how much I try to adjust the lines, the scale just isn't working for me.3-D AIN'T EASY. Waste of time & effort. Sick of constantly trying to fix this one as I continued drawing it. Looks more like the WB Frog then a Mack. Your Ferrara came out nice though hoisy.


thanks for the good feedback. your stuff looks great as well. in time the 3D will slowly work its way into looking more and more realistic. keep at it, looking good
Plow Truck rear view. drawn by me.

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Another Version with bumper gaurd

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With A sander

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Has anyone ever done a gooseneck trailer?


Deputy Fire Chief
Clinton Volunteer Fire Department

 Washington DC Fire Department
FireFighter Truck Co. 15
[quote name='Chasselber1' timestamp='1343517665' post='493526']

Has anyone ever done a gooseneck trailer?

Thanks brother!


Deputy Fire Chief
Clinton Volunteer Fire Department

 Washington DC Fire Department
FireFighter Truck Co. 15
NYPD Truck 10 E\-One

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Something we did for Tampa Fire Rescue 17


[Image: Boat%2017.png]



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