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Mark Carr Photos
And the last one for Towns County is this nice looking 2009 Kenworth/Southern Fire 1250/1800 as Tanker 1.

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Nice stuff, Mark. Wish I could have joined you today, but it just wasn't meant to be. I did visit Towns County once, way back in 1992. Engine 4 was running this rechassied 1970's Ford L/General-Detroit 750/750 that came from GKW. Glad to see that they have made some progress up there.

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Great shots Mark, wish I coulda joined you! Dave, that's an interesting truck. Where or what is GKW?

Engine 5: 1983 Mack MC686FC-1128/Pierce 1500/1000 Job # E-2127 (X: Chardon, OH "Engine 3324")

Engine 6: 1986 Mack MC611FC-1154/Pirsch 1000/750 S/N # PQ-45 (X: Cottage Grove, WI "Engine 301") (SOLD to Towns County, GA in 2004 via FireTec)
Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

[quote name='Andrew2340' timestamp='1299302320' post='428102']

Great shots Mark, wish I coulda joined you! Dave, that's an interesting truck. Where or what is GKW?

Engine 5: 1983 Mack MC686FC-1128/Pierce 1500/1000 Job # E-2127 (X: Chardon, OH "Engine 3324")

Engine 6: 1986 Mack MC611FC-1154/Pirsch 1000/750 S/N # PQ-45 (X: Cottage Grove, WI "Engine 301") (SOLD to Towns County, GA in 2004 via FireTec)


Thanks for the information Andrew!
Yesterday, I got the pleasure of shooting a couple of departments in Habersham County, GA. First up is Cornelia, GA Fire Dept. What initially got my attention as I peered through the windows on the bay doors was this ex-New York rig. It's a 1969 Oshkosh/Snorkel 1250/300/85' as Snorkel 2, #7135-C.

Their ramp, although very big, was also very slanted and the background was busy. Son was bright but at an angle that required the trucks to all be turned sideways across the ramp. Made the photos not as good as I would have liked but, oh well.

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Next up is Cornelia's Pumper 2, a refurbished 1973 Ford C/Bean 1000/750 Pumper.

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Engine 22 is a 2000 Pierce Contender 1250/1000 Pumper, GSO#11882.

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Wildland 2 runs this 2004 Ford F250 with a booster pump and small water tank.

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Utility 2 runs as the department's light-duty rescue. It is a 2007 Chevrolet 4500 with a Southern body.

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Engine 2 is the last piece I was able to get from Cornelia. It's a 2007 KME 1000/1000 Pumper, GSO#6903.

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Next up was Baldwin, GA Fire & Rescue's Tower Ladder 4, a 1983 Pemfab-Emergency One 1500/300/85' Platform. The ladder was replaced a few years ago. The rig carries E\-One #2517.

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Baldwin's Squad 4 originated somewhere in CT. It's a 1991 Simon-Duplex/Saulsbury, #291065.

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Baldwin Engine 4 is a 1993 Freightliner/Boardman 1250/700 pumper, #F-2944.

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And the final rig in Baldwin is Pumper 4, a 2000 Pierce Saber 1500/1000 pumper, #10951.

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The highlight of my day was the sound of sirens approaching as I sat in a parkinglot waiting on my wife who was in a conference. I followed an engine to a long chicken house that was well involved in fire. I walked up and the driver of a Habersham County engine was packing out to fight the fire. I asked him if he was alone and he assured me he was. Since he'd pulled lines, I asked him if he'd like me to pump his truck for him. He said sure! So, there I stayed for the next 2-1/2 hours. Someone brought me a portable radio so I could coordinate with the others and I had a grand old time. Engine 16 is what I pumped but I couldn't get a good shot of it at the fire. Turns out, it's the only rig from Habersham County that I already had a photo of.

Engine 16 is this 2003 E\-One Typhoon Tradition 1250/1000 pumper, SO#26336.

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Cornelia "Snorkel 2" came from Slackwood, NJ. Baldwin "Tower Ladder 4" formerly served the East Grand Fire Protection District in Winter Park, Colorado as "Aerial Platform Engine 491". Baldwin "Squad 4" formerly served Enfield, CT as "Rescue 1". Great pics Mark!!
Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

The rest of these Habersham County rigs were shot at the fire. They weren't posed so I did what I could. I actually like some of the shots of the tankers in the mud or pumping. First up is this air squad, or Rescue. It's a 1999 Ford F750/E-One.

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[quote name='unMARKedCARR' timestamp='1300049675' post='429181']

Engine 22 is a 2000 Pierce Contender 1250/1000 Pumper, GSO#11882.

Mark Carr photo


Mark is that a federal q2b behind the grill of the Pierce contender engine 22?
I don't know the engine designation of this engine but it's a 1991 International/Boardman 1250 gpm pumper, #F2894.

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Tanker 6 is one of 3 identical rigs providing a water shuttle to the chicken house fire. They are 2010 Peterbilt/Freedom Fire 500/3000 tenders.

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