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[quote name='pumper8032' timestamp='1302135209' post='433164']

Wow, they certainly treat the rigs like shit, 10 year old rigs ready for the scrap yard, I know they get a lot of runs etc, but those rigs are some of the worst looked after rigs I have seen in my life! No wonder they turn them over every 10 years, only so much that gaffa tape and bailing wire can do !

I guess its a cheap engine for some department down the line at auction.


Im sure if you want to donate $ to help make the fdny trucks look pretty they will cash your check.

You have to look at the big picture my vollie company runs 1000 calls a year and keeps its truck 20 years so 20,000 runs. FDNY most companys run 5000 calls a year times 10 years is 50,000 runs. You tell me who gets their moneys worth. Several FDNY companys spend more time in the field than in the station.
[quote name='pumper8032' timestamp='1302150201' post='433202']

I wasn't saying the individual stations don't care, but man they don't get their moneys worth, and I have always thought the rigs were far to big for where they work, hence the obvious damage to a lot of rigs, and like you say probably doens't warrant taking the rig off the run, but having those little dings lets rust in, and blam 10 years later they are stuffed.

I know my department keeps the rig for 20 years but they have a mid life refurb.

I was just shocked to see all those 10 year old rigs at the rock in such poor condition, even the newish training rigs, do they have a station or a building to keep them in so to speak ?


Well, your other post implied that. Since it is clarified, I will humbly apologize for jumping down your throat. It is also contracted that no front line apparatus will be refurbed or replaced with a refurb. The only exception to this rule are some of the foam units for example, and TL-53 on City Island, which has a refurbed boom. This was given to TL-105 to replace their rig destroyed on 09/11/01 (RIP) and was an emergency replacement.

In a way, I will respectfully disagree and say we do get our moneys worth. My rig is a 2003 Seagrave and already has close to 7,000 hours on the engine and 42,000 miles, with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd due area of roughly 4 sq miles. And with 3,000 runs a year (now 2,000 with E-277 back in quarters), 9 hours of building inspection 3x a week for 3 hours, hydrants 2x a year, etc., we put a lot of hours on those engines with response, pump and idling time. I have driven spare rigs with over 100,000 miles, and they ran and pumped fine.

As for those dings letting rust in, agreed 100%. But the job is not going to take out a rig for cosmetic repair. By the time the rust is REALLY bad, it's usually at the auction yard, which makes it the new owners problem. Every company carries a red spray can to stop some rust, but no points for cosmetics. My rig is bubbling at the front wheel wells, but it is minor after 7 years. A request to repair those bubbles would promptly be placed in the 'round file'.

And as of this writing, I was told my company will be closed in July, since the city council will NOT fund the money to keep us and 19 other companies open. They do have money to put hammocks on Governor's Island for yuppies to rest, but close firehouses for it. Pathetic.

But screw the city of new york, and mike bloomberg. My rig will be shiny and clean June 30. No dirtbags like them will take my pride away.

FWIW, a spare is what we use to replace a rig out of service. A reserve rig is a fully stocked rig ready to go in case of another emergency or natural disaster. Some Depts. use these terms for both.

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' timestamp='1302196401' post='433261']

But screw the city of new york, and mike bloomberg. My rig will be shiny and clean June 30. No dirtbags like them will take my pride away.


Absolutely. Chin up Himrod st.
[quote name='TL-FF' timestamp='1302213926' post='433295']

Absolutely. Chin up Himrod st.


Amen, Brother. THEIR loss...
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' timestamp='1302196401' post='433261']

They do have money to put hammocks on Governor's Island for yuppies to rest, but close firehouses for it. Pathetic.

But screw the city of new york, and mike bloomberg. My rig will be shiny and clean June 30. No dirtbags like them will take my pride away.



$150 Million!!??!?!?!? That's insane! Where is the accountability down there!?!??
Eli Gill - [url="http://10-75.Net"]10-75.Net[/url]
[quote name='FDNY 10-75' timestamp='1302064715' post='433064']

[Image: DSC_5425.jpg]


Awesome pictures Eli, such great depth and detail! Keep up the incredible work!
[quote name='FDNY 10-75' timestamp='1302221942' post='433308']


$150 Million!!??!?!?!? That's insane! Where is the accountability down there!?!??


If you could answer this question, you are a wise man. While a tad angry my company will be closed, I stand by my statement of the bloomturd administration making Tammany Hall look like Boy Scouts. William Marcy 'Boss' Tweed was one of the most corrupt politicians in history, and because of him we basically have the civil service exams, giving EVERYONE an equal chance, with no political patronage.

The bloomturd administration is giving Boss Tweed a run for his money. CityTime, a boondoggle of timekeeping on a citywide standard, was to cost $68 million, and is now over $700 million and not complete. Four men were reported to have taken $80 million in fees, yet bloomturd tried to fire a guy up north for playing solitaire on company time. One of these dirtbags brought an old army duffel bag to withdraw $800,000, but was stopped. We are now approximately $632 million over budget. Keep score.

Then there was UCT, Unified Call Taking, which besides messing up calls, is at last report $1.3 BILLION over it's $700 million budget. This unified FD/PD call takers and is proven to be a debacle, but bloomturd can NEVER be wrong.

We are now at approximately $2 BILLION dollars wasted.

The Lower Manhattan Development Corp. (LMDC), the nitwits behind the Deutsche Bank fire that killed 2 Brothers (RIP), is another political scandal that now has $700 million to be spent on bulls**t projects. Funny how it is reported that there must be special hearings to use the money on the budget, yet bloomturd can override laws and get elected to a 3rd term over the objections of the taxpayers he supposedly works for.

We are now at $2.7 BILLION wasted dollars.

With the closing of 20 companies, which were supposed to be saved if the union gave up the 5th man (which they took anyway), he has the $150 million on ballfields and hammocks.

We are now at $2.85 BILLION dollars.

We now have uncovered his lies in the VSF "Christmas Bonus" debacle, whereas the city now has to pay retired cops and firemen $12,000 every December. This deal was set up by the city, who at the time by law could only invest retirement fund money into bonds, and the city wanted to invest in the stock market, reaping tons of money for everyone. Now with NY being a very liberal city, much of this money was wasted on bulls**t programs, and also to balance the city's budget. Had the city left this money in the retirement funds, they would have a $4 BILLION excess.

This excess also paid the 'bonus' money. But since we all know the market is risky, you live well in a bull market and suffer in a bear market. Like Vegas, the city crapped out, and now has to pay. Though anyone with 1/2 a brain would know the city would not let found money sit, it is their fault for not being ready for a bear market, and no ones fault but their own for not preparing for it.

This now tentatively leaves the City of New York with approximately $6.85 BILLION dollars wasted.

But Brothers, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE come down and take the ferry to Governors Island and enjoy the hammocks. Maybe I'll meet ya with a bat and a ball and we can use the fields as well.

NYC and NYS are so corrupt, no one will ever change. Even Cuomo as Attorney General turned his head on many things. Now that he's Governor, I don't see any change there either.

Some people here will not be happy if I say I wish bloomturd would drop dead tomorrow. He and his cronies in the LMDC, and suck ass F.D.N.Y. leaders have skated on the DB fire, yet 3 highly respected officers were scapegoated. And 2 Brothers died.

That contradicts anything in human morals, and pisses on ANY traditions that made the F.D.N.Y. what is is to this day. While we knew it was common in every job, the F.D.N.Y. and it's BROTHERHOOD was supposed to be above that.

3 scapegoated officers and 2 dead Brothers proves them wrong.

bloomturd sucks.

Stay safe, Brothers. RIP Bobby and Joe.

And forgive me for hijacking the thread. Back to fire apparatus. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
Well said Smketrfdny. No love for Bloomburg on the PD side either. I really hope his plane gets lost in the Bermuda Triangle on his weekly visits to the Bahamas. He refuses to tell anyone where he is going, or when he will be back. NYPD put out orders recently that we must list where we will be on our vacation requests. Even if you're staying home, you must list "residence" on the back of the form. I really wish evil things on this scumbag. Stay Safe.
[quote name='grumpyFF' timestamp='1302230312' post='433336']

Well said Smketrfdny. No love for Bloomburg on the PD side either. I really hope his plane gets lost in the Bermuda Triangle on his weekly visits to the Bahamas. He refuses to tell anyone where he is going, or when he will be back. NYPD put out orders recently that we must list where we will be on our vacation requests. Even if you're staying home, you must list "residence" on the back of the form. I really wish evil things on this scumbag. Stay Safe.


Amen, Brother. While many on my side thought he favored PD, the 'Christmas Bonus' did anything but divide and conquer. And showed he just hates anyone in the middle class.

Stay safe as well. First one retired buys the first round with the "Christmas Bonus" money... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
not for nothing, but if the streets in Australia were as horrible as in New York, the Scania's wouldnt last 10 years either. most streets outside of Manhattan look like they took direct hits with mortar fire, 12 inch sinkholes, potholes everywhere. no money to fix them is the claim, but as our estemmed engineman from Bushwick says, there's plenty of money for hammocks and bikelanes... add an overpopulated city with people that have no concept of how to drive, park, or get out of the way and things happen. used to be only 10 years ago that you could go anywhere on a saturday or a sunday and never have traffic, no more. its every day...

[quote name='pumper8032' timestamp='1302135209' post='433164']

Wow, they certainly treat the rigs like shit, 10 year old rigs ready for the scrap yard, I know they get a lot of runs etc, but those rigs are some of the worst looked after rigs I have seen in my life! No wonder they turn them over every 10 years, only so much that gaffa tape and bailing wire can do !

I guess its a cheap engine for some department down the line at auction.

Ahhhh thanks for all the information, so the city basically doesn't give a crap ! Nice, must feel good to work for that kind of city...... looks good on the outside but rotten on the inside

By the way, I have nothing but respect for the firefighters, rode with the 41 Battalion a few years back, what a great bunch of guys....

Thanks for letting me clear up my queries, I guess the refurb at the 10 year mark is difference, and good on the union for getting the 10 year rule passed !

Again thanks for the pictures, some top photography on here !
sometimes you have to hi jack ........ That was a great from the soul piece .. Im sure Im not the only one thats been paying attention to the mess in the city... Keep up the good fight . Ill quote cross bronx... Dont ever let the scumbags win ..
Going back to the Rock for a moment. Here is a Baily and Gleason Hose Wagon inside the lobby of the classroom building.

It's dedicated to Ist Dep Commissioner Wm Feehan who, at 72, was the oldest FDNY person killed on 9-11. Having just started on my third day of my 73rd year of living in NYC, and in light of the discussions above on the NYC budget the most charitable thing I can say is, "Money goes to money".

Phil, Bklyn.

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What else can I say that hasn't already been said.................Jimmy, keep your head up and make sure you got a good company picked out............and Brklyn Phil's last statement is dead on the money......(No pun intended)

BloomTURD is an EVIL little person......... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/machinegun.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Machinegun' />
The only MARC in 46 ENGINE!

NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 F.D.N.Y. 343

RIP FF John Bellew 27 Truck F.D.N.Y. 1-23-05

RIP Captain Frank Keane 46 Engine F.D.N.Y 12-11-06
You dudes crack me up! I should have took the FDNY job that I always wanted.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/devil.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Devil' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_12_25v.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_12_25v' />
[quote name='Crossbronxxpress' timestamp='1302279662' post='433390']

What else can I say that hasn't already been said.................Jimmy, keep your head up and make sure you got a good company picked out............and Brklyn Phil's last statement is dead on the money......(No pun intended)

BloomTURD is an EVIL little person......... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/machinegun.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Machinegun' />


Eff bloomberg and EFFFFFFFF garaufis
I am going to attempt some uploads, sadly the picture quality isn't as good with the size reduced but oh well.

I made my first trip to America in 2005 and caught this lot just after I arrived attending a gas leak in a motel....

First up we have Engine 37

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Rescue 1 Front

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Rescue 1 rear

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Hazmat 1 Support

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