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State Of Conneticut
Port Carbon PA xMilford CT

1936 Pirsch

(was this truck from Milford originally?)

unknown photographer
Norwalk CT Pem Fab ??
New Canaan CT

WLF Ultra Vision

unknown photographer, Factory photo?
Noank CT 39 Seagrave
Oakdale CT

1985 Pirsch IH
[quote name='Frank B' timestamp='1305668063' post='439988']

Norwalk CT Pem Fab ??


PemFab Sutphen; one of 3 delivered around 1987.
Engine 1 in Bristol once operated this 1952 FWD with 1000 gpm and 800 gwt. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Engine 6 in Westbrook was this 1991 Mack CF with bodywork from 4 Guys, 1250 gpm/ 750 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Engine 20 in Cornwall was a 1989 White/GMC Xpeditor, also with bodywork from 4-Guys. 1500 gpm/ 1000 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Pumper 2 from the Westfield FD in Middletown was this 1987 Spartan Monarch with bodywork from General Safety, 1250 gpm/ 750 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Engine 1 in Hartford once operated this 1982 Duplex D-350 with Grumman bodywork, 1250 gpm/ 600 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Engine 6 in Westport was a 1984 Hendrickson 1871-S Low Profile with Grumman bodywork, 1500 gpm/ 1000 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Nicknamed "L'il Red", Engine 7 in Goshen was a 1984 Ford LS 8000 with Grumman bodywork, 1250 gpm/ 1000 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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As there is a L'il Red, there is also a Big Red. Engine 2 in Goshen was this 1989 Ford LS 9000 with bodywork from 4-Guys, 1250 gpm/ 2500 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Engine 27 in New Milford operated this 1992 Freightliner FLC 112 with bodywork from Grumman, 1500 gpm/ 1000 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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The Botsford FC in the Town of Newtown had this 1985 GMC Brigadier with Grumman body, 1250 gpm/ 750 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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And finally, Engine 83 in Bethany was a 1982 Ford LS 8000 with Grumman body, 1250 gpm/ 1000 water. Mark A.Redman photo - Juergen Kiefer collection.

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Chester CT Ranger IH
Simsby CT

Ranger, I think this rig may have been replaced
[quote name='Frank B' timestamp='1305743230' post='440092']

Simsby CT

Ranger, I think this rig may have been replaced


Yes, in the early 2000's, its a International Cab, I believe a 1976. Was sold to a department in Maine, way up, but don't know the name. Its replacement is a KME Custom Cab, think its a Walk-around body.


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