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Station 3 Hose Wagon, 1964 Ford F350


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Engine 2, 1957 Mack B, 750/600


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 25, 1955 Seagrave, 750/?


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 21 @ Station 4, 1952 Mack, 750/?


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 20 @ Station 10, 1952 Mack, 750/350


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 19, 1951 Pirsch 750/270


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 14 @ what appears to be Station 6, 1948 Mack, 750/?


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 11 @ Station 3, 1947 Mack, 750/?


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Spare Engine 10 @ Station 1, 1945 Mack, 750/?


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock International Airport RED 5, 1975 International/Fire Boss


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock International Airport RED 4, 1973 Walter


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock International Airport RED 3, 1973 Walter


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock International Airport RED 6, 1971 Ward LaFrance, 1250/500


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock International Airport RED 2, 1956 Mack B, 750/500


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock International Airport Ambulance, 1957 Pontiac/Superior


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar
Lubbock EMS Paramedic Ambulance, 197? Chevrolet/Otis


1976 photo by Duane Troxel, courtesy of Steve Skaar

That's all I have!
Great Shots. Thanks for sharing the older photo's of the Lubbock Fire Department. Its kind of neat to see how the times have changed in the fire service. Good looking rigs though.
Wow... They sure liked the "Lollipop" lights.
Great collection! Thanks for posting the classics!

Eric Hansen

Grand Prairie, Texas
[quote name='fd141' timestamp='1307826385' post='443833']

Wow... They sure liked the "Lollipop" lights.


Haha, yes. During the '70's through '90's, both Lubbock FD and EMS were a bit enthusiastic with their warning lights. When my brother & I went to Texas Tech in the early 1990's, we used to call the ambulances "Rolling Christmas Trees" as they were decked out with pretty much every Whelen strobe product offered at the time (not to mention dual Whelen electronic sirens, not just two speakers, but two control heads so they could be yelping & wailing at the same time, and I know at least one of them had a Q as well). Lubbock FD went a little overboard with the Code 3 offerings in the late '80's/early '90's. Starting with the KW/FMC pumpers, the big Force 4XL light bars with clear domes, and red, clear, and blue rotators were standard, with many of the Mack M & CF rigs being retrofitted. The crops of Spartan/Quality and E\-One pumpers (and an E\-One ladder) from the era also sported three front mounted Code 3 Stingers in red, clear, and blue. I'm a little disappointed that with the new deliveries they've become more boring with run-of-the-mill Whelen strobe/LED packages, but, at least they're equipped with Q's now, too.


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