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While hunting for parts to fix up my 86 Dodge @ Halls Garage and Salvage Yard I came across some "relics" of sorts.


1985 Dodge ex-Navy Ambulance


ex-Western Coventry RI Unit 5


ex Navy (?) ALF Pioneer labeled for the RI Resource and Recovery Corp (dust control)....this rig was part of the RI Fire Academy fleet for a while then bounced around.


Cranston RI ex Engine 3 E\-One

There was a Cranston RI International Rescue next to it but my phone died as i was shooting it. Special note to you MOPAR guys, check out the background in the Pioneer photo. This place has all kinds of MOPARs from Power Wagons (even a Town and Country SUV type) to 'Cudas to Challengers.
[quote name='jmp883' timestamp='1309445671' post='446191']

Here's the officers side.


I see it's got a Stortz connection, wonder how long it's been out of service?
Paul Edwards

Contributor - Fire & EMS Virginia Magazine

Dispatcher - Virginia Fire Net (VFN102)
Found this 1959 Mack chassis #1354

Had markings for Northeast Firefighters Mutual Aid from Vermont

Also had markings for CYANAMID, Wallingford Plant

Any help would be appreciated.

-Eric Fellows

[url=""]Eric's Fire Pics[/url]
[quote name='bige1998' timestamp='1313945755' post='453828']

Found this 1959 Mack chassis #1354

Had markings for Northeast Firefighters Mutual Aid from Vermont

Also had markings for CYANAMID, Wallingford Plant

Any help would be appreciated.

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=78666]


1959 Mack C model pumper used at the American Cyanimid chemical plant, Wallingfiord CT. They also ran a mid 60's Maxim F-model foam pumper. The Mack was purchased used from a dept. in NJ (???). Nowadays, Cyanimd runs a Ford/E-one top mount pumper.
Eric....where is that Mack???
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)
It was in Townsend, MA it was recently sold to someone in New Hampshire
-Eric Fellows

[url=""]Eric's Fire Pics[/url]
1959 C75F-1003 Waynesboro, Pennsylvania PA 750/600 1959 Mack C/1985 Hamerly Sold:American Cyanamid Chemical, CT
I need to know where that Mack C engine is, I am still a member at Waynesboro and there is a good friend of mine who WANTS THAT ENGINE and has been pestering me to find it for a year!!
[quote name='bige1998' timestamp='1313945755' post='453828']

Found this 1959 Mack chassis #1354

Had markings for Northeast Firefighters Mutual Aid from Vermont

Also had markings for CYANAMID, Wallingford Plant

Any help would be appreciated.

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=78666]


I met the father of the guy that bought this rig from VT last year, came from the St. Johnsbury area if I remember right. He spent more money to truck it down to Townsend then it cost him to actually buy it. Last I knew he was trying to get it running as it had not been in years, seeing as its been sold to someone in NH I'm guessing they gave up on trying to fix it. The guy from Townsend that bought it from VT was on Townsend Fire Dept. If you can't get a hold of anybody to find this rigs location I may be able to dig back and get a contact for you. If anybody knows where it served in VT I'd be interested to know.
Cell phone photo taken by my wife's cousin in the Rockaway section of Queens before Irene- Looks like one of the old FDNY Seagrave HD Ladders. Looks like she's been in that lot for a while and looking at the growth around it, probably safe to say since she was auctioned off.

Who else goes out in a hurricane looking for an old firetruck <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_crazy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_crazy' /> Actually came upon this quite by accident after checking out some tree damage to the house of my former in-laws. Ward LaFrance Hi-Ranger currently located in Warwick RI. Normally it sits behind a fence but most likely because of Irene she was brought out away from the trees:

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Dod Warwick not have a Hi-Ranger/Ward at Ladder Two at one time back int he 60's and 70's or am I going senile?
[quote name='maxim' timestamp='1314702915' post='454949']Dod Warwick not have a Hi-Ranger/Ward at Ladder Two at one time back int he 60's and 70's or am I going senile?[/quote]

Warwick did have a Ward LaFrance Hi-Ranger, but it was a ten wheeler, so this one wasn't there's. I believe there were others in the area...Attleboro or North Attleboro, Mass., perhaps?
[quote name='dl-109' timestamp='1314664071' post='454921']

Who else goes out in a hurricane looking for an old firetruck <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_crazy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_crazy' /> Actually came upon this quite by accident after checking out some tree damage to the house of my former in-laws. Ward LaFrance Hi-Ranger currently located in Warwick RI. Normally it sits behind a fence but most likely because of Irene she was brought out away from the trees:


I wonder how many times that exhaust stack has been replaced?
Bristol had one also. There is a delivery picture somewhere on this forum that was fairly recently posted.
[quote name='maxim' timestamp='1314799179' post='455127']Bristol had one also. There is a delivery picture somewhere on this forum that was fairly recently posted.[/quote]

Bristol's was a very early one with the regular Ultra Vision cab and not the low profile cab.
[quote name='dl-109' timestamp='1314664071' post='454921']

Who else goes out in a hurricane looking for an old firetruck <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_crazy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Icon_crazy' /> Actually came upon this quite by accident after checking out some tree damage to the house of my former in-laws. Ward LaFrance Hi-Ranger currently located in Warwick RI. Normally it sits behind a fence but most likely because of Irene she was brought out away from the trees:


This rig was originally used by Electric Boat FD either Groton or Quonset. It was behind the ex banner or flag shop infront of Station 8 in Warwick for a long time then bought by a sign/tree company. The boom apparently was painted red, was cream or faded white for a while. I used to see this ride cruising around Hoxsie/West Shore rd/ Warwick Ave alot years ago.
[quote name='crashresq21' timestamp='1314806773' post='455131']

This rig was originally used by Electric Boat FD either Groton or Quonset. It was behind the ex banner or flag shop infront of Station 8 in Warwick for a long time then bought by a sign/tree company. The boom apparently was painted red, was cream or faded white for a while. I used to see this ride cruising around Hoxsie/West Shore rd/ Warwick Ave alot years ago.[/quote]

Originally City of Groton, Connecticut...1965 Ward LaFrance/Hi-Ranger 75 footer. Shot from 1977. When replaced by Groton with a Sutphen tower, it was in service at Electric Boat FD in Groton. Last time I saw it was at Electric Boat at Quonset Point.

[Image: groton.jpg]
[quote name='crashresq21' timestamp='1314806773' post='455131']

This rig was originally used by Electric Boat FD either Groton or Quonset. It was behind the ex banner or flag shop infront of Station 8 in Warwick for a long time then bought by a sign/tree company. The boom apparently was painted red, was cream or faded white for a while. I used to see this ride cruising around Hoxsie/West Shore rd/ Warwick Ave alot years ago.


[quote name='cfrtruck' timestamp='1314828379' post='455182']

Originally City of Groton, Connecticut...1965 Ward LaFrance/Hi-Ranger 75 footer. Shot from 1977. When replaced by Groton with a Sutphen tower, it was in service at Electric Boat FD in Groton. Last time I saw it was at Electric Boat at Quonset Point.


Fantastic info guys!!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/luxhello.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Luxhello' /> Thanks a million!


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