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Kansas City area fire apparatus
Well just returned from conducting the final delivery on our new Engine Company. We were extremely pleased with Pierce and glad to be back with them after a twenty year departure. This also marks our return to the proper color of Solid Red after a thirty-three year departure to white over red.

Merriam, Kansas Fire Department

Engine 61



Pierce Velocity

1500/ 720/ 30FA

[Image: 6131169501_cc72875901_b.jpg]

I have to admit I did not support the chevron on the front bumper. However we choose the yellow-gold diamond grade reflective and instead of the horrible lime-green and we had Pierce add a Black Pin Strip. It has grown on me and doesn't look half bad. The idea came from KCFD Air 1. We successfully fought the CAFS system and compromised on Class A foam. CAFS does not fit our aggressive style of firefighting however Class A foam will be a great addition.

Speed Lays, Top 1.75" 200ft, Middle 1.75" 200ft, Bottom 2.5" 250ft, and Booster Reel 1.0" 200ft.

[Image: 6131170205_cd39263e57_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Merriam, Kansas Fire Department

Engine 61



Pierce Velocity

1500/ 720/ 30FA

Return after thirty years absence of the MARS Traffic Buster-8 Light.

[Image: 6131171505_2560838184_z.jpg]

We specified a low hose bed with L-shaped tank 1.75" 300ft, 3" 500ft, 4" 750, 2.5" 250ft Mercury Monitor. Body mounted ladders on the right 14', 24', 10'. Roof Hook compartment on the left under the step for our Fire Hooks Unlimited FDNY Halligan Hooks. Rear Extraction compartment.

We also had Pierce black pin strip the front and rear in between the Yellow Gold Diamond Grade and Red Diamond Grade chevron. We got the Idea from KCFD Air 1. It really makes the chevron pop!!!

[Image: 6131720844_79ac9d8d58_z.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Nice looking rig Rick!
please visit my website at
Thanks for the rear.

KCFD has announced that the remaining three E\-One front line tillers will be refurbished by Pierce. This will include a new Solid RED Velocity Tractor and a refurbished by Pierce E\-One Trailer. It is unknown if the two reserve tillers will be refurbished, especially after RT2's accident while running as Truck 3 from 10's.

Lenexa, Kansas (KC Metro) has placed an order for a White over Red Pierce Velocity PUC Tiller. This is a copy of the Ocean Side, CA design Black over Red Quantum Tiller that is currently in production at Pierce.

This will be the first tiller in the State of Kansas since the late 1970's when KCKFD had there 1940's ALF 600 Series tiller in reserve and Wichita had there 1940's Pirsch Tiller in reserve.

Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
Good info. Is there any chance you have an assignment history rundown of the KCFD E\-One tillers?

Thanks in advance.
Larry Di Camillo

Fire Chief

Stafford Fire Department


Houston Fire Department

Ladder Co. 68 "A"
[quote name='Ladder 68' timestamp='1315670504' post='456242']

Good info. Is there any chance you have an assignment history rundown of the KCFD E\-One tillers?

Thanks in advance.


E\-One tillers for KCFD were originally Trucks 2, 5, 7, 10 & 11. A couple years later KCFD purchased 4- 95ft E\-One Platforms that went to Trucks 2, 3, 11 &12. When this occured T2's tiller went into reserve as Reserve Truck 2 which was recently involved in the accident at Firehouse 10. Truck 11's tiller went into play as Truck 8 at 41s. I cant remember the exact reason behind T8 getting T11s old tiller but I believe it was so the dept would finally get rid of its last Quint which was running as "Truck 8"
[quote name='Ladder 68' timestamp='1315670504' post='456242']

Good info. Is there any chance you have an assignment history rundown of the KCFD E\-One tillers?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Chief to add to Eric's post here is what I have recorded in my book.

Truck 2 was displayed at the 1999 IAFC show in Kansas City. It was displayed without the Federal Q siren due to the rush on delivery. Truck 2 was the trial tiller used to workout the bugs before the other four where built. This was the first tiller E\-One had ever built. I listed the first assignment, KCFD shop number, E\-One number, mfg date, current assignment and previous assignments.

Truck 2 #3194 E\-One #18567 04-1999 Assigned Reserve Truck 2, ex Truck 2

Truck 11 #3193 E\-One #18568 01-2000 Assigned Truck 10, ex Truck 11, Truck 8

Truck 5 #3195 E\-One #18569 01-2000 Assigned Truck 5

Truck 10 #3192 E\-One #18570 02-2000 Assigned Reserve Truck 3, ex Truck 10

Truck 7 #3190 E\-One #18571 02-2000 Assigned Truck 7

Current Tillers:

18's Pumper 18, Truck 5

19's Pumper 19 Truck 7, Pumper 32, Car 106

23's Pumper 23, Truck 10, Car 104

Fire Academy Reserve Truck 2, Reserve Truck 3

Stay Safe,

Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department

Truck 61

2004/ 2008

E\-One Cyclone II



95ft Tower Ladder

"Pride in Protecting Others"

Sorry been super busy. I have lots of stuff to post. Took some time today at the fire house update our fleet.

First off is our Truck Company staffed with one officer and two firemen. it was built new and purchased by Merriam in 2004 and was refurbished in 2008 with a tower ladder from Wilmette, IL 2008 E\-One Cyclone II. Ladder VIN # 900848/ #126953

[Image: 6283881391_5f50c8dcbe_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department

Engine 61


Pierce Velocity



"Let's Roll" flaming six-one dice

Next our Engine staffed with one officer, three firemen. This marks a return to solid RED and MARS light. This has been an exceptional machine so far. My crew broke it in on the first run and a few shifts later broke it in on its first fire.

[Image: 6283882585_6d6e9900f8_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department

Engine 621


E\-One/ Spartan Advantage II



"Eby Avenue Express"

Serves as our Reserve Unit. Bell is from our 1968 Ward LaFrance Mark I.

[Image: 6284399050_fd74d59d52_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department

Rescue 61


Hackney/ International



Cross staffed as needed by the Truck or Engine crew.

[Image: 6283877959_71227bca04_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department October 2011

Truck 61, Engine 61, Engine 621, Rescue 61

[Image: 6284405688_2d5b373eea_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
hopefully someone on here can help me i recently purchased a 1976 Seagrave tiller model # PT20768 and the vin is E-76052. I have a feeling it was one of the group of four that were ordered for kansas city, it also has signs of the yellowish green paint they use to run (now painted white over red) just trying to track down the history of this wonderful rig its in outstanding shape. Any info or pics of it in service would be amazing
Kansas City, Kansas Fire Department

Truck 14



Pierce Velocity

105ft ladder


Don't let the pump fool you. They don't use it, they are greatly displeased with the amount of compartment and ground ladder space that was lost by adding the pump and tank.

[Image: 5735891806_962b58e5ba_b.jpg]
Member: F.O.O.L.S of OZ, IAFF L2542

Rick Mosher
Olathe, Kansas Fire Department
Engine Co. 4
Metro Kansas City, Missouri
[quote name='MFD 61 KS' timestamp='1325356275' post='469353']

Kansas City, Kansas Fire Department

Truck 14



Pierce Velocity

105ft ladder


Don't let the pump fool you. They don't use it, they are greatly displeased with the amount of compartment and ground ladder space that was lost by adding the pump and tank.

[Image: 5735891806_962b58e5ba_b.jpg]


Not trying to be a smart @$$, but then why did they spec it and/or order the truck that way? Or was this an experimental order to see if they were going to like the ladder/pump combo?
It's a shame that they speced a pump on a ladder truck but don't use it just because they don't like it. That's a lot of money to waste on something "they don't like", not to mention some poor researching in the first place, thus their "displeasure" for all the space lost.
"They" that you speak of, is the current fire chief. No input was taken from any of the guys that ride this rig daily. We haven't gotten an answer as to why a tank and pump, just rumors. Rumors from it was a demo & got a good deal to spec'ed for a lower ISO rating we might never know. The guys still perfer the "old" truck, which was a '99 E\-One, 100' dry truck, which was recently reassigned to Truck 1, due to lower miles/hours and the "old" Truck 1 was moved to reserve as Truck 98; both of which are twins. Just recently, the department & union has re-established the equipment & safety committee. Hopefully, this we help in getting our voices heard on both. Hope this helps.
That's a shame that the chief took no input from the firefighters who would be assigned to this rig. I can understand the "good deal" he allegedly got and the ISO thing, but still! The chief should always get input from the personnel who will actually be operating the apparatus being spec'd. But we know that doesn't always happen. Obviously.

So, at the very least what these firefighters assigned to this truck can do now is to learn to live with it, train until they feel comfortable operating an aerial with a pump, since it's a new concept for them, improvise due to the loss of compartment space, and maybe they'll end up liking this rig. To not take full advantage of this quint would be a mistake. Just my opinion.

All things taken into consideration, I would rather have an aerial ladder with a pump and hose, simply because of the "what if" syndrome. Though it could be a one in a thousand chance, "what if" the above truck was first in on a working house fire with persons trapped because the nearest engine company is out on an EMS run and the second-in engine is still several minutes away? Now they've got water and a line that they can stretch and begin search and rescue and possible extinguishment, or at least get a good knock down on the fire. With a dry truck they're S.O.L.!

Yeah, we could "what if" this all day, but in the end I would rather have a pump, 300 gallons of water, and hose on an aerial device. Having almost 30 years in the fire service I can appreciate tradition and what it means with the "dry truck vs. a quint" argument. Pride in being a truckie means their truck is dry, that that's what engine companies are for. At least that's what some truckies will tell you.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of rig. Make the best with what ya got!

BTW, why doesn't the KCKFD place larger company numbers, for example, in the middle of the rear doors of the cabs, like several other departments do? Those tiny white numbers and letters on the lower corner of the cab's front doors don't do their rigs any justice.
As far as I know, we have always ran w/ smaller companies numbers, why? Again ask the chief or the shop. Maybe its to be different than others. KCFD has basically the same numbers on there rigs. A tradition in this area I'd say, from the old days of companies just having a small brass shield on each side of the cab w/ just a number. MFD 61 KS might have a pic of such. KCFD at one time, did place large numbers on a couple rig doors, just never took hold I guess.


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