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Massachusetts Fire Apparatus
MA Lexington

1983 Maxim

unknown photographer
MA Lincoln

1985 Maxim

last one built?

unknown photographer
MA Longmeadow

1956 Maxim

unknown photographer
MA Lowell

Ord Plant Remington Arms Co

1942 Mack E 75 S #2085
MA Lowell

Ord Plant Remington Arms Co

1942 Mack E 75 S #2085
[quote name='Frank B' timestamp='1315865288' post='456513']

MA Lowell

Ord Plant Remington Arms Co

1942 Mack E 75 S #2085

MA Springfield

1934 Mack 75 BX #1010
MA Ware

1936 Mack 75 BX #1038
MA Ware 36 Mack 75 BX #1038
MA Weston

77 Pirsch #3185 86D 85-4sec
Middleboro MA

1914 Maxim model F combo

SPAAMFAA Hershey archive
[quote name='Frank B' timestamp='1315865036' post='456511']

MA Longmeadow

1956 Maxim

unknown photographer



Frank, I was wondering who owns this ride? I see the ODHFS banner on the front, but I looked in the apparatus files for the ODHFS and didn't see it.
John Hinant
Retired Member of Richmond VA Fire Bureau

October 25, 1858 - October 25, 2020 = 162 years old
The sixth oldest paid, documented, Fire Department in the United States
First established in 1782

"In God We Trust - All Others We Take For Granted"
[quote name='Frank B' timestamp='1315865407' post='456515']

MA Springfield

1934 Mack 75 BX #1010


Isn't this one still around? I could have sworn I had a shot of it at one of the last Chief's Show Parades which of course I can't find.
Ed Harvey

[url=""][size=2]Fire Service Photography[/url][/size]

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

All fires will go out; and all bleeding will stop - eventually.

[url=""]My Facebook Page[/url]
This is the current Essex Ladder 1 it is former Marblehed Ladder 1 bought from them in 1996 it is 1962 Mack/Maxim that orginally had a B Model Mack Cab that was remoeved and the MB cab was added in the 80's and the Body was redone. This truck is still in service and in tough shape they are plans to replace it in the near future

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[quote name='yelrowekim' timestamp='1312340616' post='451176']

I think Engine 2 is running with the old E 3 98 Pierce out of "center house"... Engine 4 is now running with E 2's 2007 Pierce ....they still have to re number them... I think they are running 2 engines & ladder out of center house...Engine & ladder out of "dist 3" and a engine out of overlook ridge drive.... Engine 2's house "Maplewood" was "closed"..


Glad to report everything in Malden is renumbered with the correct numbers
Peabody's new Ladder 1 is on KME's websites "New deliveries"
The following are from the Peabody LODD funeral last Friday. 1st Up Peabody Ladder 1. Not sure if this is service yet.

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Peabody Engine 5

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Peabody Engine 4. Not yet delivered. Made the trip for the funeral. Still had dealer plates.

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Peabody previous Ladder 1 on flag duty. Believe it will be assisgned to Ladder 2 if it hasn't already.

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