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The Rheems1 Photo Collection
[quote name='station76rit' timestamp='1319410651' post='461386']

might be a new lexington tank body is it possible ed


Looks like a 4-Guys emblem by the roll up door.
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department
the current tanker looks to be on a 4guys but the one on the blue chassis i believe is a new lexington body if i stand correct looks like there style and there is ther name place below the tank
Hanover put a brand new tank on their Ford. The old tank needed a place to go, so they put it on that old international.
which one is the new one ????
[quote name='EMS 12' timestamp='1319336544' post='461285']

I think I saw those rigs before. Glad you are working hard.


Ohhh yeah, working very, very hard... just living the ever loving dream down here...underground...with no sunlight... and no fresh air...yum....more pictures LOL!

The 4-Guys Tank is the new one.
I finally got out and about with Patrick Shoop and Rick Wenskowski yesterday in Westmoreland County, I am always fascinated when I get to photograph in Westmoreland County because of the amazing assortment of colors out there. Yesterday was no different LOL

Kecksburg Fire Department

Westmoreland County, Pa

1986 Ford/E-one 750/750

X-North Irwin, Pa

[Image: 001KecksburgEngine1.jpg]

Autocar/Local Tanker 500/3,500

[Image: 002KecksburgTanker.jpg]

1984 GMC/E-one Pumper

[Image: 003KecksburgEngine2.jpg]

1996/1976 Ford/Hamerly/New Lexington Brush Truck (Remounted) 500/500

[Image: 004KecksburgAttack.jpg]

1949 Mack Antique

[Image: 005KecksburgAntique.jpg]
Calumet Fire Department

Westmoreland County, Pa

Hendrickson/LTI Ladder Truck


[Image: 006CalumentLadder.jpg]

1977 Mack Pumper 1,500/750


[Image: 007CalumentEngine.jpg]
Mutual Fire Company

Mutual, Pa

Westmoreland County, Pa

1975 International/Pierce Pumper 750/1,000

[Image: 008MutualEngine1.jpg]

2008 Ford/? 750/500

Body is X-Bolivar

[Image: 009MutualAttack.jpg]

International/E-one Pumper

X-Baggely, Pa

[Image: 010MutualEngine2.jpg]

1989 Ford/Liberty Brush Truck

X-King of Prussia

[Image: 011MutualBrushTruck.jpg]

2012 Peterbuilt/Southern Fire

[Image: 012MutualTanker.jpg]
Youngstown Fire Department

Westmoreland County

2011 Sutphen Rescue-Pumper 2,000/750

[Image: 022YoungstownRescue.jpg]

2008 Dodge/Darley Foam/Brush Truck 250/250

[Image: 023YoungstownFoam.jpg]

2004 Freightliner/Precision Tanker 1,500/2,800

[Image: 024YoungstownTanker.jpg]

1993 Sutphen Pumper 1,500/750

[Image: 025YoungstownEngine2.jpg]

1984 Chevy/Reading Brush Truck (OOS)PP/150

[Image: 026YoungstownRescue.jpg]

Trauger Fire Department

Westmoreland County, Pa

2010 Freightliner/Precision Tanker 1,500/2,500

[Image: 016TraugerTanker.jpg]

1995 Freightliner/E-one Pumper 1,250/750

[Image: 017TraugerEngine.jpg]
Pleasant Unity Fire Department

Westmoreland County

2010 Sutphen/Precision Rescue-Pumper 1,500/750

[Image: 019PleasentUnityRescue.jpg]

Unity Township Fire Department (Stationed at Pleasant Unity)

2004 Emergency Tower Truck 2,000/300/95'

[Image: 018PleasantUnityTower.jpg]
Arnold Palmer Regional Airport

Latrobe, Pa

Westmoreland County

2011 Oshkosh Striker

[Image: 013ArnoldPalmerAirport.jpg]

Oshkosh Crash Truck

[Image: 014ArnoldPalmerAirport.jpg]
I have a couple of more but I think I am just going to stop there because the other stuff was from a station where I had a camera malfunction so I didn't get everything and I have NO idea on information. Hopefully you have enjoyed, it was a good time and a good day!!
Kecksburg (ex North Irwin PA) was a 1989 E\-One and I believe 1250/750
I was going off memory from what the guy said yesterday on the year, pump size I had a brain fart and typed the tank size twice.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Always love the Westmoreland County stuff!
I learned to drive on that engine lol. It was replaced with a 1984 Pierce with a fire-stix 50', which lasted only a couple years before they bought an ex-West Homestead engine which they still have.
Bruce W. Anderson


Southeastern PA Region
Dave Nice shots. send me your email address so I can send you that photo I took of your rig.
Adam Alberti

Lieutenant Passaic, NJ Fire Dept.

Past Chief Roxbury Twp, NJ Volunteer Fire Dept


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