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Pennsylvania Fire/EMS Apparatus
Photobucket deleted my account for having too many images, and never logging in.
Penndale Rescue 8 2010 Spartan

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Doylestown Volunteer Fire Company Bucks County.s former 1968 Hahn 1000/750 Pumper. Refurbed in 1984

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Union of Morrisville Bucks County's former 1973 Imperial 1250/500 Pumper

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Croydon Bucks County's former 1974 CF Mack/Baker 75ft Tower Ladder

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[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1319761515' post='461799']

Union of Morrisville Bucks County's former 1973 Imperial 1250/500 Pumper


Originally from Edgely, Bristol Township Pa. It was a demo, and was purchased by the fire company when they bought thier 1975 Imperial Ladder. Imperial gave them a offer they couldnt resisist. It is now back in the hands of one of Edgelys Members.
[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1319760263' post='461796']

Doylestown Volunteer Fire Company Bucks County.s former 1968 Hahn 1000/750 Pumper. Refurbed in 1984


Purchased by my grandfather in 2009.
[quote name='engine98' timestamp='1319762207' post='461802']

Croydon Bucks County's former 1974 CF Mack/Baker 75ft Tower Ladder


Bought used by Croydon, from the City of Burlington NJ. Croydon used it for a while then sold it to McKinnley Fire Company of Abington Township, Montogomery County Pa, they used it for a year or so and sold it to a fire company back in NJ who used it and are remounting it. SCOPES DONT DIE.

any idea who bought it to remount the boom?

[quote name='Wagon Master' timestamp='1319807534' post='461826']

Bought used by Croydon, from the City of Burlington NJ. Croydon used it for a while then sold it to McKinnley Fire Company of Abington Township, Montogomery County Pa, they used it for a year or so and sold it to a fire company back in NJ who used it and are remounting it. SCOPES DONT DIE.

[quote name='' timestamp='1319809800' post='461831']


any idea who bought it to remount the boom?


I found pictures of it still in service in NJ and saved them, and my harddrive crashed. I will find out for you.
[quote name='' timestamp='1319809800' post='461831']Alex,

any idea who bought it to remount the boom?



This is what I have.


1975 Mack CF-600, canopy cab, 75 ft Aerialscope, in 2001 purchased from Young America FC-City of Burlington (Burlington Co.),NJ by Croyden (Bucks County, PA)-repainted RW, lettered CROYDON FIRE DEPT.on cab sides, boom painted white, in 1-07 offered for

sale-asked $25,000, sold to Mckinley (Montgomery County), used for a year as a hold over until there new ladder came in, sold on 11/14/08 for $20,000 to Keasby – Woodbridge Twp. (Middlesex County, NJ) who wanted it for parts.

Bruce W. Anderson


Southeastern PA Region
yes, now I remember. It was sitting outside Keasbey's firehouse last I saw. Keasbey is a very small place, first couple of times I went there over the years I had no problem finding someone around to move rigs. not this year, I was there at least 5x, nobody around ever... Keasbey has 2 scopes, this one and a ex-FDNY rig. I heard that they bought the Ex-Croydon one so they could stay in service with a scope while they sent their Ex-FDNY rig to Seagrave to be rechassied. hadnt happened yet last I heard.
It Is in service as their back up Towerladder. From what i heard
Ridley Park (Delaware County)

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Pottstown (Montgomery County)

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Norwood (Delaware County)

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Media (Delaware County)

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Upper Makefield Bucks County's former 1965 C Mack ?/500 Pumper

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Milford Twp. (Bucks County)

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Womelsdorf Berks County's 1989 International/4 Guys 500/2500 Tanker

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