E592 is the newest unit at the Academy. 2013 Pierce Arrow XT. 1500/750/40A/40B. An example of the new "County Spec" which has been somewhat controversial.
Prince William County VA
Two ladder trucks at the Academy, both of which are former volunteer units.
T519 is a 1991 E\-One Hurricane, 110'. Formerly T11 at Stonewall Jackson. T591 is a 1990 Simon-Duplex/LTI. Rehabbed in 2009 by LSI. 110'. Formerly T4 with Gainesville.
Last is M519, a 2007 Chevy/2008 Medtec. Bought with a grant, this unit is staffed as needed for fill-ins or training burns.
E519B (1985 E\-One, ex: Woodbridge) has gone to auction. Hope this answered some questions in terms of what is at the Academy. Andrew
What about the spec is controversial?
Rob Atwater
Lieutenant Derry Fire Engine 4/Truck 4 Derry, NH Quote:What about the spec is controversial?Probably the uniformity. ![]()
Anyone seen the new E-Ones for Dumfries or heard anything regarding their delivery? Thanks!
Down in Florida this weekend for final inspection of 1 of them. Not sure if the other one will be finished or not.
Thanks EFL
Anyone have any idea why Dumfries Truck 503 was not assigned to the River Oaks Station as Truck 523 and instead was moved to the west end as a County Reserve. Seems like that would have been easier since it would have matched Engine 523???
Trey White
It's not in the west end yet. and politics......
What's the status on Dumfries 2 Eone Pumpers? Are they done with final inspection? Are they in VA yet?
Trey White
at the dealer in MD. had issue with adding on manual pump overides at E\-One and it held up delivery timeline.
EFL, are you speaking of one or both Dumfries E-Ones being in Maryland? Thanks.
Couple of County updates.
Swiftwater 524 went in service earlier this month. The boat is cross staffed by E524s crew and is available 24/7 for West-end calls. SW524 is former SW507B.
Brush 524 is the secondary tow vehicle for the boat, after Utility 524. Former Brush 4.
A525 is one of four similar units, two at FS5 and two at FS25.
B507 taken at Apple Blossom
Gator 507 also taken at Apple Blossom. This unit is set-up as a brush truck.
Lake Jackson station 7 is the primary swiftwater station in the county. This boat support unit is staffed during flooding conditions.
E504B is the primary reserve engine for stations 4 and 24. The "Trash Truck" doesn't accelerate well, brake well, or turn well; but there's something to like about it.
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